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Web Seminars

Video Without The Studio

Video is a Top 10 content marketing tactic. But that doesn't mean it has to be expensive, production-quality video.

The Roadmap For Real-Time Marketing In 2015

According to a recent study from Retail TouchPoints, 66% of marketers found their omnichannel strategy had improved customer loyalty, while 40% indicated omnichannel was key to increased brand interactions. This will present a hands-on look at how both leading retail and B2B marketers are applying Insight + channels + content to ignite, extend & convert interest into purchases.

7 Ways to Enhance Webinar Promotions in 2015

The average attention span of people opening your email is less than 8 seconds. That blink of an eye can make the difference between a successful webinar and the proverbial tree falling in the forest that no one hears. In this interactive webinar, Mark Bornstein, Senior Director of Content Marketing at ON24, will share 7 tips for increasing the effectiveness…

Adding Predictive Marketing To Your Mix In 2015

By this point, you’ve heard the hype about predictive lead scoring, but is it something you should consider adding to your plan in 2015? The key to getting value from this powerful new technology, is first understanding if it’s right for you and having a game plan for rolling it out and driving adoption once its deployed. This webinar will…

Putting Account-Based Marketing to Work in 2015

Megan Heuer, VP & Group Director at Sirius Decisions and Shari Johnston, Sr. Director of Integrated Marketing Programs at Demandbase, will discuss best practices for creating an Account-Based Marketing and putting it into action. Start your 2015 with a solid plan to market and sell to your key accounts and drive results all the way through the selling process.