COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

This section provides insights from some of the most prominent industry thought leaders in the space.

3 Questions To Ask For More Efficient Marketing

The world looks a lot different these days. Amidst an uncertain economy, companies are retiring the “growth at all costs” mindset of last summer, where growth rates of 70% and burn rates of 30% were okay (and even preferred) to a much more conservative goal of, say, 40% growth and…

In A Down Economy, Leverage Data-Driven Insights In Your ABM Strategy

During times of economic uncertainty, marketers need to understand the evolving purchase decision-maker patterns and reevaluate their strategies accordingly. Defined as a period of a significant decline in economic activity, a recession directly impacts marketing. As companies tighten their budgets, B2B sales funnels have become longer, more complex and involve…

Harness 3 Key Trends In The RevTech Stack

Faced with inflation, persistent enterprise talent challenges and ongoing supply chain issues, Chief Sales Officers (CSOs) are under pressure to optimize selling, general and administrative costs while still driving revenue growth.

5 Steps To Simplify Sales

Regardless of how sales (and salespeople) are perceived, there’s one thing everyone agrees on: Selling is tough. Breaking through in a competition-filled marketplace is hard, and it's even harder when you need to appeal to a multichannel audience with a short attention span.

5 Privacy Questions That Every B2B Marketer Should Ask

In Q3 2022, U-Haul, TIC International, TikTok and Uber announced that they experienced data security breaches, highlighting the increased importance of data privacy and security — and B2B marketers are no different. Ensuring data privacy across every touchpoint is no longer just good for business: It’s a requirement. Regulators are working…

Right-Sized Events Net Better ROI

Flagship (or tentpole) events have played an essential role in many business strategies for decades. However, amongst a crippling pandemic, labor shortages and a drawn-out period of challenging economics, some of the excitement around events — and their business value — has led to a slight shift in philosophy. Recently,…
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