COVID-19 Update


The Ultimate Guidebook To Channel Partner Ecosystems

Businesses are undergoing a paradigm shift. The very nature of competition, the ways customers buy and how companies go to market is changing. A channel partner ecosystem is a new way to think about the go-to-market strategy you already have in place — a new mindset that includes all the partners inside your distribution channel. The shift in mindset means…

3 Ways Sales Leaders Can Improve Win Rates

Sales managers are under a ton of pressure — they're overwhelmed by requests to support deals, join customer calls, guide reps and pull together accurate reporting. They're frustrated by the amount of time it takes to ramp up new sellers and to build efficient training processes and, on top of that, they spend hours manually sorting through various dashboards trying…

How To Optimize Your ABM Strategy With Intent Data

Today's B2B buyer is better informed than ever before, which comes with a growing preference for self-service buying experiences (i.e., opting to research products on their own as opposed to connecting with a salesperson). In fact, when surveyed, 87% of B2B buyers said they would prefer to self-serve all or part of their buying journey – meaning by the time…

The Real Cost Of Corporate Gifting

When it comes to your marketing efforts, you might be surprised to hear that not only does corporate gifting cost less than you think, but it can also have an impressive ROI. Check out this guide to find out how you can use direct mail and gifting alongside your digital channels to gain a competitive advantage. You'll find how to…

2022 Digital Experience Benchmark Report

If you're looking for insights into the latest global shifts and trends in digital consumer behavior, you're in the right place. While great digital experiences for consumers are often viewed as the means to increased convenience and a better variety of products and services, for brands, the beauty of digital experience intelligence is in the data and the business insights…

Strategic ABM Gifting: A CMO’s Silver Bullet To Engage The Enterprise

In the remote work era, prospects crave humanized experiences more than ever. It's not surprising, then, that 83% of consumers feel positive about receiving packages. Buyers and customers see specialized gifts from organizations as tokens of appreciation. On the organizational side, gifting accelerates account-based marketing (ABM) efforts and helps build trust. But many enterprise-level execs are neglecting to marry the…