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White Papers

The B2B Social Marketer’s Guide To Connected TV

Connected TV (CTV) isn't a far leap from your tried-and-true social platforms. As a social marketer, you may be surprised to see all the similarities in CTV as you start to explore, including: Campaign types; Targeting capabilities; Reporting and testing; and Creative management. CTV's digital roots make it the next best channel for B2B social marketers looking to differentiate themselves…

The Search Marketer’s Guide To Connected TV

Your ad mix is lacking. While your search marketing chops are finely honed to capture demand, how are you generating new demand? Enter: Connected TV. TV is now a performance channel and a valuable one at that. Not only is it the perfect complement to your paid search campaigns (don't worry, we love paid search as much as the next…

The B2B Guide to Performance TV

Not every ad solution is created equal when it comes to performance marketing on Connected TV. Many offer branding and awareness campaigns, but fail to deliver meaningful ways to measure the outcomes that matter to a B2B brand. This guide is designed to share the learnings accumulated over years of helping every sort of advertiser — B2B included — generate…

4 Common Intent Data Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Everywhere marketers turn, people are talking about Intent data. After all, 94% of marketers believe that using data to track buyer Intent gives them a competitive advantage. But Intent data is now a term whose meaning, like most buzzwords, has gotten diluted. There's a false belief that Intent data is a silver bullet, alleged to solve any and all marketing…

It’s Time To Close The Sales Execution Gap: Building The Case For Change

B2B selling has never been more demanding than it is today. The expanding delta between the potential output of a revenue team and its actual results make it even more challenging to succeed. We call this the Sales Execution Gap, which can prevent a typical enterprise company from realizing tens of millions of dollars in revenue. Rapid technological advances, seismic…

The Marketer’s Roadmap To Mature Omnichannel Account-Based Experiences

Responsive buyer experiences and relevant content across channels have always been the top criteria for mature, high performing, omnichannel account-based orchestrations. But much of today's conversation revolves around linear, top-down campaigns, where the target account is placed in a marketing or sales play, operating within a siloed platform throughout the buyer's journey. The result is often antithetical to the desired…

Introduction to Channel Partner Ecosystems

A recent Accenture survey showed 76% of business leaders expect their current business models to be unrecognizable in five years. The reason? Ecosystems. Put simply: A channel partner ecosystem is a new way to think about the go-to-market strategy you already have in place — a new mindset that includes all the partners inside your distribution channel. While most executives…