COVID-19 Update


What’s Working In Revenue Management & Metrics? Increased RevOps Adoption Creates Need For Stronger Data Practices

By 2026, Gartner forecasts that 65% of B2B sales organizations will transition from intuition-based decision making to data-driven decision making, deploying technology that unites workflow, data and analytics. As such, many companies are turning toward revenue operations (RevOps) to unite data across teams and better operationalize revenue strategies. In fact, nearly half (48%) of companies currently leverage a RevOps approach,…

2023 CMO Outlook Guide: Top Priorities & Challenges Of Modern Marketing Leaders

The CMO role continues to evolve as marketing leaders face constant pressure to generate revenue and drive growth in a post-pandemic world, while keeping their head above water to thrive in the age of the customer. In this report, eight heads of marketing from different industries and various stages of growth will sound off on their top challenges and priorities…

State Of Intent/Signal Data: Marketers Integrating Third-Party Data To Increase Relevance & Personalization While Meeting Privacy Demands

Intent and signal data are nearly synonymous with B2B marketing, serving as the fuel to power hyper-personalized, highly targeted campaigns. These data sources are crucial in de-anonymizing stealth buyers, who prefer to research solutions and platforms independently before reaching out to a sales rep. To that end, almost a third of marketers plan to invest in intent data throughout the…

State Of RevOps: Unleashing The Potential Of Unifying Multiple Teams Through People, Data & Technology

As companies reflect on the challenges behind them and how to position themselves for the future, RevOps is still paving the path forward. Leaders have found themselves focused on sales, marketing and customer experience (CX) as different parts of their go-to-market (GTM) strategy, but formulating a cohesive strategy amongst these teams has proven to increase collaboration, revenue and overall alignment. Research…

What’s Working In Lead Nurturing & Acceleration? Practitioners Working Toward Humanizing Nurture Strategies

Converting B2B prospects into buyers is often a complicated, lengthyprocess. This is especially true for high-dollar purchases, such as software, that involve multiple stakeholders. There are a lot of balls in the air, and lead nurturing campaigns must consider the role each stakeholder plays in the decision-making process. Additionally, a strong lead nurturing strategy requires data-driventouchpoints that provide personalized content for each stage…

2022 State Of Database Quality & Accuracy: Practitioners Delivering Deeper Buyer Intelligence & Personalizing Marketing Messages

As more buyers demand relevant, customized engagement, marketing teams are prioritizing their database strategies to maintain quality, better identify high-value accounts and inform their next move. To help you build a more valuable database, this special report explores how B2B marketers are producing and procuring higher quality data, including: How businesses are utilizing deeper analytics to refine messaging and offer…

What’s Working In B2B Advertising? Practitioners Increasing Engagement Through Interactivity & Platform Diversification

In the era of self-service buying journeys, B2B advertising is simultaneously a marketer's best friend and worst enemy. While serving up an advertisement is a surefire way to promote brand engagement, irrelevant, 'spammy' ad campaigns will have prospects clicking in the other direction. The experts explained that the top three components practitioners must consider when creating engaging ads are content,…