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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

SEO Vs. Social Media: The 9 Big Differences & What Works Where

Social media and SEO are critical components of modern content marketers’ strategies, and it’s easy to merge the two into one initiative. However, this infographic breaks down the differences and similarities of SEO and social media to paint a clear picture of where each strategy should be applied.

2023 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey: Orgs Prioritizing Retargeting, Personalization & Lead Nurturing Amidst Economic Turmoil & Third-Party Cookie Depreciation

There are several factors influencing the B2B marketing climate throughout 2023: Economic uncertainty, widespread tech layoffs and the impending demise of third-party cookies. With those three challenges creating the perfect storm for disruption, Demand Gen Report's "2023 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey" found that marketers are responding in-kind by looking to strengthen the tools and strategies already at their disposal to…

The Ultimate Website Checklist

Whether you’re designing your website for the first time or refreshing your branding, there are several factors you need to take under consideration. This infographic seeks to provide a checklist of everything you need for your website to be successful.

What’s Working In Revenue Management & Metrics? Increased RevOps Adoption Creates Need For Stronger Data Practices

By 2026, Gartner forecasts that 65% of B2B sales organizations will transition from intuition-based decision making to data-driven decision making, deploying technology that unites workflow, data and analytics. As such, many companies are turning toward revenue operations (RevOps) to unite data across teams and better operationalize revenue strategies. In fact, nearly half (48%) of companies currently leverage a RevOps approach,…

An Overview Of Nostalgia Marketing & Its Benefits

Nostalgia — a longing for the past — is a powerful force. Studies in the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) showed that buyers prefer brands that provide a nostalgic feeling, but another JCR study revealed that patience diminishes when those experiences feel forced or repeated. This infographic outlines the benefits…

2023 CMO Outlook Guide: Top Priorities & Challenges Of Modern Marketing Leaders

The CMO role continues to evolve as marketing leaders face constant pressure to generate revenue and drive growth in a post-pandemic world, while keeping their head above water to thrive in the age of the customer. In this report, eight heads of marketing from different industries and various stages of growth will sound off on their top challenges and priorities…

The 4 Pillars Of A Great Blog

Blogs are great at balancing knowledge with creativity to entertain while informing readers, but they’re also a dime dozen — and often not maximized to their full potential. This infographic shares how practitioners can create blogs that stand out, help generate revenue, increase readership numbers and make an impact within…

10 Delegation Tips From Successful Leaders (& How To Apply Them)

It’s imperative that leaders can delegate responsibilities across teams and departments to create more jobs, higher revenues and post higher growth figures, but delegation is often easier said than done. This infographic shares delegation advice from successful leaders and discusses the best ways to apply them.

How To Make Hybrid Work Less Stressful For Your Team

With 74% of U.S. companies using or planning to use a permanent hybrid work model, it’s imperative that leaders are taking the steps necessary to ensure teams are operating at maximum efficiency. This infographic discusses the steps needed to make hybrid work successful while highlighting its pros and cons.

2023 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Benchmark Survey Report: Practitioners Gathering Deeper Intelligence To Facilitate Highly Relevant 1:1 Outreach

In a world tainted with spammy, impersonal outreach, B2B practitioners are recognizing the importance of 1:1 connections and building the foundation needed to generate and fuel account- and contact-level insights. According to the "2023 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Benchmark Survey," 69% of practitioners plan to increase their investment in their database strategies as they look ahead into 2023. And…

What’s Working In Personalization? The Power Of Customizing Engagements

We've all gotten the "Hi [NAME]" email that masquerades as personalization. But there is more to connecting with buyers than addressing them by name. B2B marketing teams that embrace personalization strategies can accelerate buying journeys by proactively anticipating buyers' needs and offering solutions to their pain points. Personalization is key to advancing the buyer's journey, but marketers must balance buyers' contradictory desires for…
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