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Web Seminars

How to Turn Research Data Into A Content Arsenal

Developing research surveys takes a lot of time, bandwidth and manpower. But when designed and strategized successfully, research data can drive big results, helping organizations improve awareness, generate leads and improve overall brand positioning. During this webinar, you'll learn how Magnetic: Designed survey questions and desired outcomes based on a specific target audience; Promoted the results to positioned itself as…

The One Content Marketing Hack Your Competitors Will Hate You For

Are you struggling to create enough content day-in and day-out? Are you battling to stand out from the competition? Join the club. It's time to try something new and unconventional—something guaranteed to actually produce returns from your content marketing. Join Curata founder Pawan Deshpande for a groundbreaking webinar teaching how to effectively use content curation to consistently publish the sort…

How To Get Started With An Account-Based Marketing Strategy

It Begins With Account-Based Content! Going with an account-based marketing strategy enables marketers to uncover the true definition of a good and a bad lead by assessing company fit. If you're new to account-based marketing (ABM), then you're in the right place. Join us for a webinar on Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 1pm EDT to find out everything you need…

3 Critical Steps To Account-based Marketing Success

A recent study conducted by ITSMA revealed that 80% or marketers say that ABM outperforms every other marketing investment. Whether you are increasing your portfolio of accounts, upselling your current customers or just beginning your ABM journey, account-based marketing is clearly no longer a "nice-to-have." If you're a B2B marketer, it is simply smart business. ABM can help you reach…

2016 Lead LifeCycle Series

Accelerate Your Funnel: From TOFU To BOFU Join us for our 2016 Lead Lifecycle Series, part of our first annual Lead Lifecycle Month. Coming to a computer screen near you during the last two weeks of July, industry experts will share the top trends and best practices B2B organizations are leveraging to woo buyers at each stage of the funnel.…

The Latest Shifts In B2B Buyer Behavior

New Trends And Real-World Insights From The 2016 Research This webinar will provide a detailed look at the behavior patterns of primary decision-makers and influencers in B2B purchases over the past 12 months. The research shares direct anecdotes on: where they typically see breakdowns in the marketing/sales process; what validation steps they are adding to the buying process; how they…

5 Ways to Generate Leads With Video

As video takes center stage as the content medium of choice, marketers need to take full advantage of this engaging medium for lead generation. B2B marketers that use video for lead gen experience a 19% lower cost per lead than those that don't, according to Aberdeen. It's no surprise, then, that top marketers are using video as part of their…