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Web Seminars

Event Tech + Martech: How Event Technology Completes Your Marketing Stack

Aired on December 18th @ 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT Marketers agree that live events are valuable and impact the success of the business. But showing the impact of those events and demonstrating ROI is hard when event data lives in its own silo. Enter event technology. The right event management system will integrate with your martech tools…

Don’t Take It Personally: Where Personalization Fails Your Buyer

With the rise of website personalization, targeted display ads and all things ABM, marketers are able to combat waning attention spans and over-scheduled prospects by delivering more relevant offers and CTAs. But getting that initial click or download shouldn't be the finish line for basic account- or contact-level personalization. Today's business consumer craves a more relevant, curated and responsive experience…

How Marketing Ops Translates Strategic Goals Into Tactical Plans – Webcast

Marketing operations is the quarterback during planning season — they have the data to know what we need to do and the knowledge of our people, time and financial resources to determine how we’re going to do it. But it’s not always easy. On September 6 at 12PM ET, a panel of marketing and operations leaders— including Lars Ahntholz of…