COVID-19 Update

Case In Point

B2B companies are driven by results. This section provides real-world case studies that show how successful B2B marketing teams are planning, executing and measuring their campaigns.

How Lionsgate Boosted Engagement By 12K Impressions With QR Codes

Lionsgate, the entertainment giant behind cult classics like “The Hunger Games,” “Twilight” and “John Wick,” is no stranger to grabbing the attention of movie- and tv-watchers alike. Still, the production company sought a robust solution that would further strengthen ad interactivity and bolster engagement pre- and post-production.

How LHP Grew Average Lead Value By 3X

As a veteran in the automotive safety space, LHP Engineering Solutions has serviced big names in the transportation industry for more than 20 years without relying on marketing. But when the pandemic put a halt on in-person interactions and direct sales efforts, the marketing team knew they needed to get…

How Stack Moxie Saved Its Marketing Team 50 Hours Of Manual Effort Per Week

Stack Moxie helps automate testing and monitoring across the sales and marketing tech stacks. M.H. Lines, Stack Moxie’s CEO, explained that its customers often missed the real-time notification of testing success or failure, and when they did notice, they only logged into the platform when they received a failure notification.

ServiceNow Increased Sales-Created Pipeline By 3X

ServiceNow is a cloud computing platform designed to help companies manage digital workflows. The company’s goal was to have its field marketing managers be the last mile to ensure all teams were operating off the same data to initiate outreach at the right team and with the right messaging following…

Mindtickle Generated More Than $2.2M In Pipeline In Under 8 Weeks With Account-Based Experience

When Paige Gerber joined sales readiness platform Mindtickle as Director of Demand Generation, the company was just starting to implement a new buyer experience solution called Hushly to create personalized experiences for visitors to their content hub. But when Hushly innovated its offerings and released an Account-Based Experience functionality, Mindtickle…
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