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Lead Nurturing

Prospects go through multiple touch-points before becoming buyers. This section covers the latest tools, trends and strategies B2B marketers are using to effectively nurture leads through the sales funnel.

B2B Marketers Rethinking Lead Nurture Strategies As Acceleration Programs Stall

Given the long sales cycles most B2B organizations have, lead nurturing is typically a critical part of marketing strategies. However, a sneak peek at the preliminary results from our annual Lead Nurturing & Acceleration Benchmark Survey reveal that B2B marketers are struggling with the results of their campaigns to maintain or advance the initial interest of prospects.

The Really Good Email Design Checklist

This infographic from Campaign Monitor shares a comprehensive checklist for constructing an email design that will enhance campaigns and boost engagement.

20 Steps To Take After Your B2B Event

Tradeshows and events are considered one of the most effective channels used by B2B companies to engage prospective customers. But that doesn’t mean hosts should stop engaging with their attendees and sponsors once the event concludes. This infographic from agencyEA highlights a checklist of 20 steps to take once the…
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