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Lead Nurturing

Prospects go through multiple touch-points before becoming buyers. This section covers the latest tools, trends and strategies B2B marketers are using to effectively nurture leads through the sales funnel.

2015 Lead Nurturing Benchmark Study: Aligning Nurture Programs To The Buyer’s Journey

Lead nurturing, an important piston in the demand generation engine, is growing in sophistication and moving beyond simple campaigns that blast the same email to the entire database. Marketers are seeking to improve their use of data to target their lead nurturing campaigns to prospects in various stages of the buying cycle and predict who will be more likely to…

Conversica’s Artificial Intelligence For Lead Engagement

Conversica is an artificial intelligence (AI) solution designed to help marketing, inside sales and sales organizations engage prospects with the highest propensity to buy. Features/Functions The solution’s artificial intelligence is positioned to initiate email conversations and analyze replies by automatically extracting information and interpreting the lead’s intention and sentiment. Conversica…

Lead Nurturing Is Finally Getting Its Due

By Dan McDade, PointClear, LLC   One of three predictions I made for 2015 was that nurturing would be the marketing word of the year. Lead nurturing is so powerful you can triple the return on most marketing investments simply by continuing to work certain non-lead outcomes.

LeanData Unveils Updates To Account-Based Marketing Suite

LeanData, a lead management solutions provider, released updates to its Account Based Lead Management Suite designed to boost account-based marketing, demand generation and sales initiatives. One of the updates includes LeanData's integration with Marketo Webhooks. The integration positions LeanData users to build customer lists for account-based lead nurturing. The integration…

BrightFunnel Launches Campaign, Revenue Measurement Tool

BrightFunnel, a revenue attribution platform provider, unveiled its Revenue Waterfall tool, a solution designed to automate the process of tracking leads through the buyer's funnel. The tool positions users to gain insights into how leads are entering and progressing through the buying funnel, ultimately enabling marketers to connect the dots…

Marketo Announces LinkedIn Integration, Digital Advertising Tools at Marketing Nation

Marketo unveiled an integration with LinkedIn's Lead Accelerator solution at its Marketing Nation Summit this week, a move designed to improve B2B marketers’ ability to nurture known and anonymous prospects through multiple channels. The solution provides marketers with relevant business, profile and behavioral data on unknown prospects, said Russell Glass, Head of Products,…
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