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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

How To Motivate Today’s Employees

As the workforce evolves, employee motivations are evolving with it — and so must leaders. This infographic examines the new factors motivating employees and discusses how employers can use a combination of tried-and-true and cutting-edge tactics to keep their workers happy.

What’s Working In Digital Experiences? Organizations Drive Engagement With Personalization, Emotion & Data

As B2B buyers' expectations for digital experiences continues to rise, so will the bar for marketing teams to deliver exceptional experiences. To help B2B marketers push the limits of their digital experiences and diversify their offerings, this special report includes expert advice and real-world examples to help uncover: How marketers can go beyond superficial buyer personas to deliver emotive, impactful…

25 Twitter Marketing Tips That Actually Work

As social media becomes increasingly important for B2B marketers, this infographic provides 25 tips for businesses to optimize their profiles, find and utilize the most effective content for their tweets and boost post reach.

The New Best Times To Post On Social Media In 2022

Social media marketing is often a numbers game with a focus on engagement rates, shares, comments, etc. But a key element is timing posts to generate the most views and reach the widest audience. This infographic features research that analyzed 37,219,512 social media posts from more than 30,000 organizations to…

What’s Working In Channel Partner Incentives

Despite being a mainstay of most channel partner programs, incentives are falling short of achieving desired results. According to a recent poll, fewer than 50% of vendors believe their incentive programs work. This special report will explain how to craft a well-rounded incentive program to ensure a better return on investments. Vendors must guarantee that their offers: Deliver mutually beneficial…

How To Plan, Build & Scale Your ABM Strategy In Record Time

Stefanie Neer started at Drift to lead all things ABM back in May. While it’s only been a couple of months for a seasoned ABM leader like Stefanie, it’s been plenty of time to dream up a polished ABM roadmap for the second half of the year. Plus, by working closely with Ottavio Dattolo and Drift’s Demand Gen team, she’s…

What B2B Tech Marketers Are Doing In 2022

According to research from FINITE and 93x, 80% of B2B marketers said they met or outperformed their 2021 targets, which comes alongside the majority who increased their budgets in 2022. This infographic highlights what marketers are focusing on in their current strategies.

Why ABM Is A Must During A Down Economy

As marketing teams prepare for an economic downturn, one approach is standing out for its ability to deliver high-impact results with speed: Account-based marketing. With an account-based approach, teams can focus their spend and target specific accounts with the highest fit, intent and engagement to help drive revenue fast. ABM is not only effective for generating net-new business, but it’s…

2022 State Of Direct Mail: Marketers Fold Direct Mail, Gifting Into Integrated, Omnichannel Campaigns, Automate Processes For Success

Direct mail is still a key channel to engage prospects, customers and even employees in the digital/hybrid age. It works to build customer loyalty, close deals faster and show client and employee appreciation across all stages of the buyer's journey. While direct mail has been hot for a few years, marketers are ramping up initiatives bring it into their omnichannel…

How To Become A Better Writer: 16 Expert Tips

Content writing is a critical part of marketing strategies — meaning it’s imperative practitioners ensure their content resonates with audiences, compels action and ranks well in search. This infographic provides 16 tips to become a better writer.

What’s Working In Marketing Measurement? Less Messy Data, More Marketing & Sales Alignment

Marketing teams face increased pressure to measure the impact of their initiatives and prove their organizational value. According to the "2022 Marketing Measurement & Attribution Survey," two thirds of B2B marketing executives (66%) said marketing measurement and reporting is a growing priority within their organization but additional findings show current measurement initiatives are significantly lagging. While marketers are making some…
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