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Ensuring That Your White Papers Appeal to Busy Executive Readers


Six White Paper Features for Reaching the Busy Executive Reader

How often do you download a white paper or ebook, impressed by its apparent focus on a pain point that you feel, skim it, then never open it again? As a white paper marketer, you work hard to avoid such disengaged behavior among your audiences. Besides having quality content, your paper needs to be both skimmable and more deeply engaging. Frankly, you want YOUR reader to dive in and get involved, because this brings higher quality, more engaged sales leads. Download white paper expert Jonathan Kantor’s Ensuring That Your White Paper Appeals to Busy Executive Readers, and get his six key structural elements to make this work.

All executive readers are busy and distracted. Get Kantor’s paper today to reach them most effectively. Sponsored by emedia.

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A Clearer View of the New Buyer Via the Cloud


What is the real value of connecting in the Cloud? Understand Buyer behavior by looking at everything and everything that matters to a marketing and sales professional.  Learn what you can do in the Cloud to deliver more qualified leads, better data and more revenue.  Download the white paper now A Clearer View of the New Buyer Via the Cloud  

Eloqua helps you market the way you want to.

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Getting ROI From Your Relationship Capital: The Keys To Unlocking Internal Business Connections

wp shadow template 200px 3-1As the old adage goes, it’s not necessarily what you know but who you know…and who your colleagues, customers and industry connections know. When salespeople have to make 50 or more cold calls a day, the “no’s” are bound to pile up. Relationship economics turns a cold call into a warm introduction when the sales team is armed with crucial information about a prospect’s level of familiarity with their company and its employees.

This white paper spotlights the business-wide benefits of relationship economics. Topics to be discussed include:

  • Competition remains fierce and relationships are the key differentiators;
  • It is easier to quantify the value of connections when they are shared in a cohesive and automated fashion; and
  • You must go beyond title and look at a connection’s company, frequency and depth of their interactions, and their role in their organization as an influencer, among other factors.

Complete the form below to download this white paper:

Build Lead-Gen Lures with Video

Using Internal Resources and Online Presentation Tools

This white paper written by DemandGen Report summarizes insights that can make a difference for you (and save you from making costly mistakes). Among other things, it covers:

  • How and why leading BtoB marketers are expanding their use of video in demand generation
  • Why production costs can sometimes be a barrier to increased use of video
  • How some marketers are using new tools and techniques to surmount that cost barrier
  • How to build your videos into digestible segments
  • Why it's important to incorporate interactivity into your video deployment, and 
  • How to integrate a "call to action" into your online video to make it work MUCH harder at generating incremental sales

Download White Paper today.

Ten Steps to Effective Email Marketing



Download this white paper to review the latest strategies and actionable steps to deliver integrated and measurable email marketing campaigns in today’s quickly changing online landscape. The paper provides a roadmap for developing compelling, relevant content, managing customer data and establishing a single view of customers. This white paper is brought to you by Aprimo, the leader in marketing automation software.


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