COVID-19 Update

Beyond The Hype: Applying Social And Behavioral Data To B2B Marketing

mintigo wp drc capToday’s B2B marketing environment is more challenging than ever before. It’s harder to reach buyers and more difficult to gather information about their intentions. Traditional information sources, such as internal systems and public databases, often fall short when it comes to uncovering a prospect’s business needs, interests and purchase stages.

Web Conferencing For SMBs: 3 Key Considerations For IT Decision-Makers

3-Key-Considerations-For-IT-Teams-at-Small-to-Midsized-Firms_ReadyTalk_shadowWeb conferencing is now a mission-critical business tool for small and midsized firms. That's why more SMBs are taking a long, hard look at their current providers and asking whether they're really up to the task.

This white paper will help IT decision-makers at midsized firms make informed decisions when selecting a business-class Web conferencing platform, and show them how to evaluate potential conferencing solutions. Learn what distinguishes top-tier solutions in terms of security, management and administrative features, and service and support – and get detailed guidance on which questions to ask your next provider.

Rock Your ROI With Video Analytics

Shadow Vidyard WP The New ROI Star of MarketingIf you want to be a marketing star, video has to be on your playlist. Video is a growing part of the content mix and video analytics, combined with MAPs and CRMs, provides marketers with the powerful data they need to succeed.

Make The Most Of Your Sales Leads

acton_LS_brief_drc_templateLearn the foundational steps your company can take to set up a functional and cost-effective lead scoring strategy, including:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of lead scoring
  • Learning how to identify the traits that define your ideal sales prospects
  • Building a system that will grow with your organization over time

Download Now »

Top Five Metrics for Revenue Generation Marketers

NA13Raab Report sponsored by LeadMD

It’s an old cliché but true: you manage what you measure. One implication is that when a business changes, measures should change as well. Few businesses have ever changed as rapidly as B2B marketing is changing right now. So it’s no wonder that many B2B marketers are asking themselves what they should measure and not finding a clear answer.

Download White Paper. 

Turn Your Enterprise Sales Intelligence Into Best-In-Class Results

insideview-aberdeen wp drc template“It’s like drinking from a fire hose!” “I’m busier than a one-armed paper-hanger!” “How do I cut through all the noise?”

Do phrases like these describe the challenges your B2B sales organization faces? Today, many sales professionals struggle under an avalanche of data about prospects, customers and markets. Yet instead of making their jobs easier, the sheer volume of this data threatens to overwhelm them.