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Inside the Mind of Today’s B2B Buyer: What’s Changed and How to Adapt

When: Thursday, August 18, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT - Register Today


In an effort to keep our finger on the pulse of B2B buying behavior, we have recently concluded the research behind the 2011 Inside the Mind of the B2B Buyer survey. In this webinar, we will review the top-line results and give you a sneak peak at the anatomy and behavior of today’s B2B buyer and what has changed since last year’s study.

Findings from this year’s survey of over 250 respondents will be analyzed in this webinar, revealing significant ongoing changes in the behavior in today’s B2B buyer, including:

  • Further delays in engaging with sales representatives when researching potential solutions
  • Increases in paid pilot projects
  • The trend of free trials and “freemium” models
  • The number of contributors providing input into the decision-making process
  • The increasing role of peer influences in the early stages of the buying process
  • Importance of demos/product overviews
  • Greater interest in vendor comparison analysis at later stages of the buying process

For an advanced look at this year’s research, please register for this upcoming webinar.

Register Today

The Best Content For Short Attention Span Theater

Live Date: Sept 7, 11am ET - On-Demand - Watch Now

Today's buyer is more empowered, skeptical and frugal than ever before – a condition called Frugalnomics. To be successful with this new breed of buyer, solution providers need to drop the sales pitch, and become a valued resource – providing the right content to facilitate the buyer's decision making process.

Traditional one-size fits all white papers, case studies and other collateral are struggling to break through the noise and be relevant to decision makers. A new approach, with more dynamic and personalized content is needed to better connect, stimulate and facilitate buyer decisions.

In this webinar, Alinean and DCS psent the latest research and trends on:

Content marketing spending and the current crises in confidence
Optimizing content to facilitate the buyer's journey
New content methods to drive more leads and shorten sales cycles
Strategies for psenting content in different formats to match different consumption pferences
Steps you can take immediately to improve content marketing ROI

Featured Speakers:


Tom Pisello, Chairman & Founder, Alinean

Andrew Gaffney, Content Director, Demand Creation Specialists (DCS)

On-Demand - Watch Now

Marketing Metrics Workshop Series

The transparency of online marketing has made measurement a priority, but most organizations are still struggling with what to measure and what kind of benchmarks they should expect from various initiatives and investments.

From visits to leads, this series will provide the basics on the terms, metrics and tactics marketers need as they improve the visibility and impact of their campaigns. Featuring some of the experts in marketing measurement and lead management, the series will cover the different channels and touch points available to marketers today.

BONUS: By signing up for the series, you will receive a free copy of HubSpot's original compilations 100 Awesome Marketing Stats, Charts and Graphs.

Full Workshop Schedule

The 5 Metrics That Matter to Your CEO
When: On-Demand
Presenter: April Brown, Left Brain DGA
Duration: 30min

How Many Leads Do You Need? Steps for Benchmarking Leads and Increasing Volume of Qualified Leads

When: On-Demand
Presenter: Carlos Hidalgo, The Annuitas Group
Duration: 30min

Strategies To Position Your Website As A Revenue Generator
When: August 25th at 1pm ET
Presenter: Jeanne Hopkins, HubSpot
Duration: 30min

Developing Content To Match Buyer Needs
When: September 9th at 1pm ET
Presenter: Jeff Walcoff, Demand Creation Specialists
Duration: 30min

How to Increase the Value of Your Database
When: September 15th at 1pm ET
Presenter: Eric Newell, Oceanos
Duration: 30min

The Follow-Up Formula: Secrets for Nurturing Prospects
When: September 29th at 1pm ET
Presenter: Mari Anne Vanella, The Vanella Group, Inc
Duration: 30min

Register for this entire complimentary series

The Model for the New Revenue - Centric Marketer

Live Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT - On-Demand

Measurement is a priority for all marketers but a focus on tactical metrics has kept many marketers from truly proving the value of their efforts. Now for the first time a new study from DemandGen Report has tied together the impact of deeper measurement capabilities with marketing’s contribution to revenue.

This webinar will showcase the results of a brand new survey from DemandGen Report on the relationship between Marketing Analytics and Revenue Performance Management.

Register today for this webinar which will reveal key findings from the research including:

• The key business drivers for increased marketing measurement
• The average level of visibility executives currently have into marketing’s impact on revenue
• The metrics marketers are currently using to track marketing and revenue performance
• Average conversion rates at various phases of the funnel
• Benchmarking on the average revenue contribution of marketing departments

In addition to the survey data, the webinar will also provide models and guidelines based on analysis of leading marketers into:

--The 5 metrics marketers should be focusing their efforts on
--Steps marketers have taken to improve their revenue contribution

Featured Speakers: 

Jim Williams, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Eloqua
Andrew Gaffney, Editor, DemandGen Report


5 Steps to Measure Lead-to-Cash Performance

Live Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT - Register Today

Screen_shot_2011-07-20_at_11.25.34_AMFirms that manage by metrics report better alignment between sales and marketing, accelerated pipeline performance and deeper insights into ROI and other key performance areas. Key areas of measurement include web metrics, funnel metrics, as well as opportunity and revenue reporting.

With investments in demand generation programs on the rise, this webinar will provide insights into how BtoB organizations can better analyze and track how the leads they are generating are converting to closed business.

Key topics and takeaways attendees will walk away with:

  • The metrics marketing can and should be tracking 
  • The most relevant sales pipeline analytics 
  • Uncovering the data and insights already in your CRM 
  • A timeline for building impactful dashboards 
  • How to use BI tools to visualize pipeline performance


Featured Speakers:
David M. RaabPrincipal, Raab & Associates Inc
Sam Boonin, VP, GoodData
Andrew Gaffney, Editor, DemandGen Report

On-Demand Webinar

View more presentations from G3 Communications .

Personas, Positioning, & Clever Messaging: 3 Secrets for Engaging More Buyers


Wed, Aug 17, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT 

Whoever understands the buyer best, wins. This requires marketers to take responsibility for understanding customers, their pain points, and their buying process better than ever before. For businesses to thrive in the 21st century, marketers must know how to capture this customer knowledge, distill it, and then share it effectively with their sales, marketing, and engineering colleagues.

Becoming the customers’ advocate starts by following 3 proven best practices: 1) illustrating the persona as a reflection of the target market, 2) crafting a clear positioning statement that defines and differentiates your product or service from competitive alternatives, and 3) communicating a set of relevant messages guaranteed to engage the persona and not waste their time. This webinar will show you the way.

Reasons to attend:

  • Explore the path to the marketing high ground where you know the market so well you become acknowledged as the customers’ advocate
  • Learn how to apply these 3 best practices: personas, positioning statements, and messaging guaranteed to engage your target audiences
  • Discover how to immediately apply these best practices in work you are doing today


Screen_shot_2011-07-13_at_11.57.55_AMMike Gospe

Author of The Marketing High Ground

KickStart Alliance

Taking a Bite-Sized Approach to Marketing Automation

Thursday, June 9, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

shutterstock_77154121-edit2This webinar will present new research as well as case study examples showing the phased approach many companies are taking to rolling out marketing automation systems.

The new study conducted by DemandGen Report will highlight the success companies are having with building block tools such as email marketing, web forms and landing pages, it will also demonstrate the building block approach companies are taking to graduate to more sophisticated functionality such as lead nurturing and lead scoring.

A sample of research to be discussed during the webinar includes:
➢ The % of features and functionality current users say they are effectively using;
➢ The correlation between the length of time a system has been in place and the functionality being utilized
➢ The biggest hurdles companies face to utilize more of the tools and functionality

Featured Speakers:
Andrew Gaffney, Editor, DemandGen Report
Matt West, Director of Marketing,

➢ Attendees will be provided access to a free Genius account, with access to a full suite of email marketing and demand generation tools.

Register Today.

The ROI Of Targeted Prospecting

Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT

shutterstock_72764293-editWho’s your buyer?  As more companies look to improve their flow of qualified leads, carefully defining segmentation and buyer personas have become a critical requirement for sales and marketing teams.

Join us for an informative webinar presenting best practices research as well as real-world case studies showing how companies are improving the ROI of their campaigns and increasing the efficiency of their sales efforts by investing in updating and expanding their database.

Key takeaways will include:

-   Strategies to get started with targeting and segmentation;
-   Examples of how organizations are using existing customer models to map out buyer personas and profiles
-   The payback companies are realizing by refining their databases and creating specific messaging that is relevant to unique markets

Featured Speakers:

Jim Lenskold, Founder & Principal of The Lenskold Group, Author of "Marketing ROI"
Sam Zales, President, ZoomInfo
Andrew Gaffney, Editor, Demand Gen Report

Register for "The ROI of Targeted Prospecting" Today.