COVID-19 Update

Content Strategies

Relevant, targeted content is critical to engage prospects. This section highlights various messaging tactics throughout the buying cycle.

TwentyThree Offers Platform For Webinar Creation, Analytics

TwentyThree Webinars aims to provide a single tool for marketers to run and analyze webinars. It is positioned to bring landing pages, emails, production and on-demand videos into a streamlined, end-to-end platform that also enables marketers to gain a full understanding of webinar performance.

Pimp My Personalization: New Tactics Go Beyond Traditional, Tired ‘Insert First Name’ Strategies

Mastering personalized marketing is a lot like owning a car — your once shiny, new tools will need an upgrade and a fresh coat of paint every now and then. As marketing technology evolves and B2B companies are able to glean more information than before on current and prospective customers, it might be time to reevaluate your personalized marketing tactics.
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