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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Selling in the Age of Social Media

There is a new kind of buyer, Customer 2.0, develops opinions of brands without ever viewing a single advertisement or listening to a sales pitch. Customer 2.0 can learn anything he/she wants to know about our products or services through social media." Learn more about this new breed of buyer. Download and register for "Selling in the Age of Social…

The CRM Flex Test

A 5-Point Checklist to Find the Right Mix of Features, Delivery and Deployment Options that Meet Today’s Evolving Business NeedsAs more companies turn to flexible CRM solutions, like Cloud-based, on-demand options, there’s greater control over customization, integration, data ownership and security capabilities. Download “The CRM Flex Test” now for learn more about these and other turnkey solutions, including a 5-Point…

Webinars 2.0: Maximizing Webinars with Social and Interactive Engagement

7 Key Areas To Maximize Your Webinar Program Download this white paper to access new research on best practices for webinar strategies to drive registration, attendance and ultimately qualified leads. With the new data showing that 83% of marketers have increased the frequency of webinars, it's now more important than ever to produce web events that stand out from the…

Quintessential Marketing Automation Guidebook

Manticore Technology delivers the Quintessential Marketing Automation Guidebook. Hear from 9 of today's most respected marketing and sales thought leaders on how to harness the power of marketing automation to effectively manage your marketing funnel. Download now.

Avoiding The “Silver Bullet Syndrome” of Marketing Automation Software

Five Key Areas Every Company Should Address First to Insure Success Analysts caution the next wave of adopters of marketing automation to avoid the mistakes of companies who rolled out other enterprise software platforms such as CRM, ERP and WMS, by thinking that technology would magically eliminate their problems. This “silver bullet” pipe dream often causes companies to overlook the…

3 Phases of Conversational Marketing

Conversational Marketing is a process and practice few companies have successfully applied. In trying to make the business case that their offering is better, faster and more powerful, vendors often get stuck in a 1-way dialog focused on their own speeds and feeds. This Executive Briefing shows marketers how to build a truly bi-directional dialogue between prospect & vendor enabled…

3 Essential Phases To Build Bi-Directional Dialogue Between Prospects & Vendors

Backed by the right combination of people, process and technology, today’s sophisticated BtoB marketers are engaging in conversations with their buyers. However, conversational marketing is not simple, as it demands deep dives into identifying who the prospect is; defining their role within their organization; and looking for clues from past successful conversations on how to convert more prospects into customers.…

Walk Before You Run with Marketing Automation: 5 Baby-Steps to Lead Nurturing Success

Marketers are increasingly understanding the importance of migrating from a “One Size Fits All” mentality to a “behaviorally targeted” approach to marketing. But jumping into Marketing Automation and Lead Nurturing can be a tough terrain to navigate. This webinar will provide a roadmap for taking the necessary baby steps to success.. When: ON-DEMAND Webinar Slide Deck:

Improving Prospect Engagement: Using Social Media & Interactive Tools To Build Community Marketing

The rules of engagement for demand generation are changing. Prospects are now more dependent on a collaborative process when they choose a solution provider. Given these new dynamics, marketers are finding greater success with tools and platforms that enable sharing of content in real-time and in convenient and easy-to-access environments. Is your company tapping into the power of community marketing…

Putting Process First: A Roadmap For Successful Lead Management & Marketing Automation

Marketing automation technology is a powerful new tool for marketers. But don’t confuse a robust tool for a quick fix. Too often B2B marketers get caught up in its compelling promises of greater efficiency and increased productivity, only to fast forward past the critical stage of auditing the real problems in their business -- bad data, unaligned sales and marketing…

How Does Your Webinar Stack Up?

Wondering how your webinar performance stacks up against your peers? Join us for a webinar today, featuring results from a new best practices research study analyzing strategies to optimize your webinars in Q4 and beyond. Key takeaways you'll gain from this webinar: Successful promotion strategies - including incentives Optimal webinar formats and lengths Speakers and topics that draw the strongest…
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