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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

3 Phases of Conversational Marketing: Focus on the Buyer

Conversational Marketing is a process and practice few companies have successfully applied. In trying to make the business case that their offering is better, faster and more powerful, vendors often get stuck in a 1-way dialog focused on their own speeds and feeds. This Executive Briefing shows marketers how to build a truly bi-directional dialogue between prospect and vendor enabled…

Finding your Optimal Lead Flow

SalesFUSION presents a new white paper designed to help b2b marketers find their “optimal lead flow”. Learn new strategies, technology and best practices for integrating your marketing automation efforts directly into your CRM solution so that you do more marketing for less. Download Now.

Same Content More Leads

An inside look at how progressive BtoB organizations are jumping off the treadmill of traditional, underperforming marketing channels and improving the efficiency of their sales and marketing by repurposing existing content and publishing it in new formats.

DemandGen Report Glossary

Demand Generation - Focused on targeted marketing programs, demand generation drive awareness and interest in a company's products and/or services. Predominant in BtoB marketing, demand generation marries marketing programs and structures sales processes. There are multiple components of a stepped demand generation process that vary based on the size and complexity of a sale. These components include: Building Awareness Positioning…

CareerBuilder Ultimate Recruitment Guide

Recruitment doesn't end with a job offer. It begins from the moment your business defines its candidate audience, and continues long after an employee leaves your company. Download the FREE CareerBuilder Ultimate Recruitment Guide today! It's stocked with the latest hiring tips and advice—and designed to equip you with the necessary information to make the smartest hiring decisions and hire…

Six Strategies For Kicking Your CRM Into Overdrive

How to use high-test data to fuel B2B sales and boost CRM performance In the following white paper, we will highlight six strategies leading B2B organizations have implemented to improve the results of their marketing campaigns as well as the efficiency of their sales organizations: Cleaning House Freshening Up Drilling Deeper Segmenting Campaigns Making Smarter Sales Calls Reducing Inefficiencies

Spinning the Spend: Maximizing Control Over Budget Allocation

While marketers were already being asked to demonstrate the ROI of their investments, they are now being challenged to show their direct contribution top-line revenue. Given the increased scrutiny on revenue generation, marketers are quickly shifting their attention from impressions and leads to opportunities and closed deals. In this new paradigm, measurement is critical as marketers need to identify inefficiencies…

Buzz Building: 7 Steps to Social Media Marketing Success

Learn how to thrive in today’s social marketplace by creating compelling content, enabling fans to spread the word and monitoring social activity to gain deeper insights. Silverpop’s latest white paper offers 7 tactics for social media success. Download your copy today!

Reverse Engineering the Funnel: 3 Steps To Improve Pipeline Performance

High growth BtoB organizations are gaining a competitive edge by calculating exactly how their marketing investments will correlate to opportunities for the sales team and ultimately new revenue for the company. This white paper describes a new method for using historical data to develop a predictive model. Download Now.
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