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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

An SMB Marketer’s Guide To Purchasing Marketing Automation

Organizations of all sizes can reap the rewards of marketing automation, but SMBs often put marketing automation on the back burner because their resources are stretched. This step-by-step guide walks entrepreneurs through the process of purchasing and implementing a marketing automation system. When used effectively, marketing automation can help SMB marketers generate and qualify sales leads, shorten sales cycles and…

Infographic: A B2B Marketer’s Guide To SXSW

  While SXSW built its reputation as a consumer tech show, it’s not so cut and dry nowadays. While B2B marketers are finding value in the Austin, Texas, show that starts March 7, uncovering relevant sessions, workshops, networking events and more can be challenging. Demandbase and Doremus have teamed up to help B2B marketers navigate…

Inforgraphic: 10 Commandments of Email Copywriting

  Are you guilty of the sin of lackluster email copy? Howard Sewell and the staff at Spear Marketing Group put together these 10 decrees for heavenly email marketing, no doubt created on a different type of tablet than the original. 

Bridge The Divide Between Sales & Marketing

Even as lead generation tactics become more sophisticated, marketers continue to struggle to find valuable leads that are willing to sit down with a sales rep and make a purchase. In the latest e-book from 3D2B, titled: Bridge The Divide Between Sales & Marketing: Lead Generation With A Human Touch, readers can learn new ways to leverage human interaction to…

The Future of Content Marketing: How to Rise (and stay!) Above the Noise

Over 70% of B2B marketers will increase their investment in content marketing in the coming year, including their production of content. (based upon recent studies by the Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs and Curata) While this clearly indicates a positive trend to connect with buyers, it also means competition is increasing to get readers and viewers to pay attention.

Infographic: A View Of The Social Selling Landscape

  The emergence of Big Data, social selling and content marketing has changed the way B2B marketing is done. This infographic from Introhive examines the various social media channels and their effectiveness for building brand awareness, lead nurturing and generating sales.

“Always On” Marketing: Reaching Prospects Anywhere with Display Advertising and Marketing Automation

Engaging with prospects in a meaningful way until they are ready to buy is essential to any B2B marketing strategy. Once leads are captured, marketers rely primarily on email marketing to drive prospects down the funnel—but this approach is inherently constrained. Email marketing only reaches “known” prospects captured in your database, and those who don’t open your emails are left…

Next Generation Financial Services Marketing

Financial services marketers face a daunting new era as they transition from selling based on brand, referrals and networks to a more digital approach to reaching customers. Based on the findings from this study, conducted by DemandGen Report, they are negotiating this newmarketing world, while being aware of their unique requirements and challenges. While direct mail, print and radio/television remain…

The Guide To SMB Success In Lead Generation

While many small and mid-sized businesses are embracing lead generation practices, three quarters of SMBs never move beyond using marketing automation for batch-and-blast emails. In the latest e-book from eTrigue — titled The Guide To SMB Success In Lead Generation — readers can discover best practices for successfully growing their businesses with lead generation.

Infographic: Can Cupid Save The Sales And Marketing Relationship?

  You can ask almost anyone about how to build a strong relationship, and they’ll likely tell you it’s a combination of communication, compromise and work. However, recent findings from a SAVO/BrightTALK poll, outlined in this infographic, suggest the relationship between marketing, sales and the buyer’s journey may have hit a…

Executive Visions On Video In The Workplace

Executives are increasingly exploring ways to leverage online video to broadcast their message to a large and extensive employee audience, along with ways to empower employees and help them meet their business goals. This white paper, titled Executive Visions On Video In The Workplace, outlines the effectiveness of online video in the workplace, while emphasizing key areas where online video…
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