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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

[Infographic] Common Email Myths Explored

  Should you only send emails at certain times? Will certain words land your email in the spam folder? This infographic from Campaigner Email Marketing examines the validity of commonly held email marketing myths.

Tools For Making Sales Methodologies Stick

 While more of the sales budget goes into training, most of the lessons that sales teams should retain go in one ear and out the other. Leveraging technology can drive short- and long-term results for your sales training and reinforcement.

The Complete Guide To Lead Nurturing

Manually collecting data to leverage email campaigns can be a tedious process that take marketers away from other tasks that require attention. Lead nurturing capabilities are required to aid B2B companies in aligning their sales and marketing teams, boosting revenue and getting the most out of their lead database

[Infographic] 6 Reasons Lead Conversion Remains Low

  The overwhelming majority organizations say that increasing new customer acquisitions is the top priority for their sales and marketing teams, but conversion rates remain frustratingly low. This infograhic from Compile, a lead sourcing service, offers six reasons why your leads aren't converting. 

Multichannel Live Video Engagement Strategies to Gain New Customers

Using Live video, leading Brands are creating excitement, exclusivity, clicks and conversions while increasing their online reach.  By incorporating live video with social interaction via multiple channels into their content and campaign management strategies, companies are taking customer engagement to the highest levels.

Infographic: Making Google+ Part Of Your Social Media Strategy

  In less than three years, Google+ has distinguished itself with strong content and engaging dialogue. Being smart on Google+ is essential for any content marketer. Here’s how to get started. This infographic from Prestige Marketing points out the three things that Google+ does better than other social media networks.

Infographic: Discovering The Value Of Digital Marketing

  The digital marketing industry has grown to more than $62 billion and marketers are continuously looking to maximize the value of their investments. In this infographic, digital marketing firm looks at customer acquisition and customer optimization, two sets of activities that digital marketers need to balance to generate value.

Mobility Won’t Wait For Your Sales Force

Many businesses face hurdles when it comes to sales enablement due to the current limitations of their internal sales systems, according to recent research from MicroStrategy. Equipping your sales team with tablets and a powerful mobile sales enablement app can potentially address these issues, but many companies are wary of the overall investment, adoption speed and various other concerns.
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