COVID-19 Update

Rich Media

This section highlights the tools and tactics that marketers are employing, such as webinars and online video, due to the urgency to create interactive, engaging experiences across all prospect and customer interactions. 

Infographic: A View Of The Social Selling Landscape



The emergence of Big Data, social selling and content marketing has changed the way B2B marketing is done. This infographic from Introhive examines the various social media channels and their effectiveness for building brand awareness, lead nurturing and generating sales.

  • Written by Devin McDonnell
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2825

Infographic: Can Cupid Save The Sales And Marketing Relationship?



You can ask almost anyone about how to build a strong relationship, and they’ll likely tell you it’s a combination of communication, compromise and work. However, recent findings from a SAVO/BrightTALK poll, outlined in this infographic, suggest the relationship between marketing, sales and the buyer’s journey may have hit a rough patch.

  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 6259

Infographic: Content Marketing 2014 Projections



Social media is the top content marketing tactic, used by 87% of B2B marketers, according to this infographic from Get Smart Content. On average, B2B marketers use 13 different content marketing strategies. 


  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2870

Infographic: Reaping The Benefits Of Lead Scoring



While more than one third (36%) of those surveyed by Kentico have a lead scoring system in place, almost the same number (37%) are not using lead scoring. According to this infographic from the digital marketing technology vendor, 42% of lead scoring adopters gained measurable ROI on their lead generation programs. Other top benefits included increased conversion rates and shortened sales cycles.


  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 9013

Infographic: 7 Tips For Email Marketing In 2014

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Email marketing is essential for communication with current and potential customers and one of the top ways to distribute high-quality branded content and generate leads. This infographic from Internet Marketing Inc. offers steps to leveraging email marketing as part of your integrated digital marketing strategy in the coming year.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2200