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Rich Media

This section highlights the tools and tactics that marketers are employing, such as webinars and online video, due to the urgency to create interactive, engaging experiences across all prospect and customer interactions. 

Infographic: What Your Facebook Page Needs


Facebook can be an effective lead generator for marketers who pay attention to all of the necessary elements, including exclusive content. HubSpot put together a Facebook page checklist to help turn “likes” into sales.


  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3102

Infographic: SMB Marketing Automation Adoption & Trends


Marketing automation tools aren’t just for the big guys. Small companies are seeing the advantages of demand generation, according to an infographic from Techaisle, a global SMB and channels ICT market research and industry analyst organization.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 6191

Infographic: The History Of Sales


To know where you are going, it always helps to take a look at where you’ve been. From the rise of email, laptops and PowerPoint in the 1980s, CRM in the 1990s and social media in the 2000s, this infographic from Lattice Engines provides some perspective for marketers on the evolution of sales technology.

the-history-of-sales-technology 50eda45a600a1

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3872

Infographic: 2012 Content Marketing Trends

Nearly 90% of B2B marketing organizations used content marketing in 2012 – more than SEO, events or traditional advertising. These and other 2012 content marketing trends are illustrated in this week's infographic, provided courtesy of Curata.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2885

Video: Seth Godin On The Tribes We Lead

Over the past few years, the now-famous TEDTalks series has included a number of episodes worth watching if you're a B2B marketer. Here's one of the very best: a 2009 talk from Seth Godin that links modern marketing success to some of our oldest and most powerful social customs.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2499

Infographic: Content Marketing Gains On Traditional Advertising


Traditional advertising is still an important tool for B2B marketers. Yet as this week's infographic, provided courtesy of Marketo, shows content marketing spending continues to climb – and more content marketing tactics are gaining traction.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3336

Infographic: The Lyris Digital Optimizer Report


This week's infographic, courtesy of Lyris, features the results of an online survey which indicates that email-based digital marketing efforts have the highest percentage of integration with other channels and technologies. It also offers a synopsis to each channel. (Source)

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2594

Infographic: The Best Times To Share Content On Twitter And Facebook


Wondering when your social media posts will generate the biggest bang for the (virtual) buck? This week’s infographic, created by digital agency Raka using data from Bitly, offers a quick and very informative visual guide to timing your posts on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3045

Infographic: Content Marketing Metrics

Content marketing is now a mainstream activity for most B2B firms. Even as they rush to take advantage of content as a demand generation tool, however, these companies often miss an important piece of the puzzle: metrics.

This week's infographic, which comes courtesy of Pardot, looks at the key business objectives associated with content marketing, what marketers measure with their content campaigns, and how to categorize the most commonly used metrics. It's a good starting point for companies that want to take a more strategic approach to their own content marketing activities.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3419