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Rich Media

This section highlights the tools and tactics that marketers are employing, such as webinars and online video, due to the urgency to create interactive, engaging experiences across all prospect and customer interactions. 

Infographic: Inside Online Video Marketing

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Video holds the attention of users for longer and is more memorable than text-based content, according to this infographic from Bubobox, an online video marketing company. Customers who view a video on a web site are 64% more likely to make a purchase, boosting the return on the investment.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2950

Infographic: Content Is On The Rise

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B2B marketers are increasingly relying on content marketing, according to this infographic from Curata, highlighting the key points of their 2012 B2B Marketing Trends SurveyOf the more than 450 B2B marketing professionals surveyed, 87% cited content marketing as among the most-used strategies in 2012, up 5% from the previous year.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2863

Infographic: Finding Your Way With Marketing Automation Workflow


Navigating is always easier with a map, and getting around the twists and turns of marketing automation workflow is no exception. The people at Neolane put together a subway map, with subway line representing a category of automation and the stops where the subway lines intersect representing workflow examples spanning multiple categories.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2695

Infographic: The B2B Marketer’s Guide To SXSW

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SXSW Interactive is fast approaching. If you’re a B2B marketer attending the giant tech festival for the first time (or even the third time), you might be wondering “what’s a B2B marketer to do?” Demandbase put together this infographic to help B2B marketers navigate the show.

  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2929

Infographic: Closing The Gap Between Sales And Marketing


The misalignment of sales and marketing can cause a typical company to lose 10% in annual revenue, according to this infographic from Tinder Box, a provider of sales proposal editing software that works with Sales enablement technologies are helping companies align sales and marketing goals with their overall business plans.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2816

Blending The Art And Science Of Marketing

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In today’s environment, marketers have to rely on both their instincts and hard numbers. This infographic from Pardot highlights the talents of marketing artists and marketing scientists and the advantage of striking the right balance.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2431

Infographic: What Do Leads And Love Have In Common?

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Whether you’re looking for a Valentine or someone to love your product, text is a popular way to nurture any relationship. This infographic from Leads360 outlines the rules of engagement for using SMS to win leads or a sweetheart.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2016

Infographic: Sample Social Media Plan for Events


Having a solid social media plan in place around your marketing events can boost engagement and overall awareness before, during and after the event. Marketo offers a checklist for generating buzz about your event through social channels. 

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 4484

Infographic: Maximizing Trade Show Leads

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Trade shows remain a key component of any B2B marketer’s strategy, but leads have to be tracked carefully to ensure there are no missed opportunities. Marketing automation can bring order to the process of nurturing the leads gathered at trade shows, as this infographic from Pardot illustrates.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2799