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DemandGen Reports

New Research Finds IT Decision-Makers Lead in All Stages of Purchase Process

IT management continues to be more involved in every stage of the IT purchase process than their business management colleagues, according to new research from IDG Enterprise. The annual 2010 Role & Influence of the Technology Buyer survey, completed by more than 2,400 IT and business respondents, from a range of industries, shows that within IT, the purchase process is decentralized with a mix of titles involved at each stage.

Decentralization increases with company size, with an average of 13 people influencing major IT purchases at enterprise companies. The study also examined the length of the purchase process given familiarity with a vendor, and information sources used throughout the purchase process.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 3234

New Research Reveals BtoB Brands Missing Out On E-Commerce Play

The click-to-cash transaction enjoyed by BtoC brands may seem like a stretch for BtoB organizations with longer sales cycles, but new research suggests BtoB firms are missing out on an opportunity by failing to incorporate e-commerce capabilities into their Web sites.

A new survey conducted by DemandGen Report in partnership with Rainmaker Systems revealed that while 32% of BtoB buyers are willing to consider promotional offers made at the point of a transaction, 73.3% of mid-market BtoB sellers online do not have cross-selling or up-selling capabilities. The survey, titled 2011 Web Imperatives, also revealed a potential correlation between Web traffic BtoB brands and deal size. For example, the survey found 71.4% of mid-market BtoB companies are seeing an increase in Web traffic, and only 28.6% of those firms indicated a fall in average online order size.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 3093

Demandbase Rolls Out Real-Time ID App To Drive Web Form Performance

Addressing the the historically low conversion rates most BtoB marketers experience as well as the poor data quality Demandbase, Inc. has released a new Real-Time ID Service for Web Forms.

Allowing marketers to plug the API-based web service into existing as well as new online forms, the ID service is designed help marketers improve the ROI on programs that rely on web site visitors to submit information. The service is targeted at all types of Web marketing tactics, including: paid search, email, webinars, banner ads, social media and other lead generation programs.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: DemandGen Reports
  • Hits: 3002