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Avoiding the Lead Gen Tradeoff


Strategies To Improve Web Form Conversions Without Sacrificing Lead Quality Data for Your Company

Your guide to increasing conversions with shorter forms...without losing valuable data

  • Learn about Real-Time ID of your B2B web traffic
  • Increase conversions with enhanced, standardized data quality at point of entry
  • Better data in and other CRM systems
  • Improved lead distribution and lead scoring


Download Now.

  • Category: E-books

The CRM Flex Test


A 5-Point Checklist to Find the Right Mix of Features, Delivery and Deployment Options that Meet Today’s Evolving Business Needs
As more companies turn to flexible CRM solutions, like Cloud-based, on-demand options, there’s greater control over customization, integration, data ownership and security capabilities. Download “The CRM Flex Test” now for learn more about these and other turnkey solutions, including a 5-Point Checklist to Find the Right Mix of Features, Delivery and Deployment Options that Meet Today’s Evolving Business Needs.

Download Now.

  • Category: E-books

Quintessential Marketing Automation Guidebook


Manticore Technology delivers the Quintessential Marketing Automation Guidebook. Hear from 9 of today's most respected marketing and sales thought leaders on how to harness the power of marketing automation to effectively manage your marketing funnel.

Download now.

  • Category: E-books

The New Revenue Engine

Learn how leading B2B marketers are improving efficiency and effectiveness by building shared sales and marketing machines. Marketo_ebook_coverDownload “The New Revenue Engine” eBook for insights into best practices to:

Ø  Lower Customer Acquisition Costs
Ø  Reduced Wasteful Spending
Ø  More Predictability in Sales Forecasts  
Ø  Greater Pipeline Stability

Download eBook.

A Roadmap to Seamless CRM Execution

Download this new eBook to learn how leading companies have increased sales by providing their sales force with information about customer trends, and also enhanced customer service by enabling the company to be more responsive to customer needs through the implementation or upgrade of customer management systems and processes. Download sample page here. CoverShot_Edit


The key areas covered in the paper include:

-> Establishing a complete view of centralized customer data

-> Integrating back-office to customer-facing functions

-> Feeding forecasting and reporting

-> Filling the sales pipeline

-> The importance of always-on access

Download your copy today!

Sponsored by Sage SalesLogix

  • Category: E-books