COVID-19 Update

Global Data Sales Normalize After Monster 2021 Growth

1612302825436Data is one of the biggest drivers of successful marketing today — and in pursuit of success, marketers’ appetite for high-quality data keeps growing. With the deadline for third-party cookie deprecation steadily approaching, some in the industry predicted brands and marketers would become wary of overreliance on third-party data. As it turns out, those predictions have proved tenuous at best.

Channel99 Debuts With Free Mobile App, $5M In Seed Funding To Bring Transparency To B2B Website Traffic Quality

Your website gets tons of traffic... but is it legitimate? Does it positively influence pipeline and lower customer acquisition costs? Chris Golec, a B2B veteran who founded Demandbase in 2006, officially launched his latest marketing technology designed to help bring transparency to the quality of B2B website traffic across SEO, paid search, social, email and display advertising.

Affinity Seeks To Enhance Zoom With Affinity Meetings

Affinity, a relationship intelligence platform, released Affinity Meetings, a new solution designed to deliver relationship intelligence data from Affinity’s CRM directly within Zoom to provide customer and prospect insights during sales meetings. Affinity Meetings seeks to provide dealmakers with the information they need to align with their team on deal progress and save time during and after a meeting. Generates $14M In Seed Funding, a product growth platform, announced its public launch with $14 million in seed funding in a round led by Scale Venture Partners with participation from Cardumen Capital and several other investors. The platform plans to use the funding to refine its insights engine and continue scaling its team. 

Women In Revenue Lands Grant From Tiger Global Impact Ventures

Women in Revenue (WIR), a non-profit organization, received a grant from Tiger Global Impact Ventures (TGIV), a global tech investment firm, to promote gender equity in sales and marketing roles. The grant comes from TGIV’s Gender Equity in Tech Fund (T-GET), a $50 million commitment designed to increase access, inclusion, representation and parity for women across the technology ecosystem.

5 Steps To Quickly Launch An ABM Campaign

1maryAs we near the end of Q4 (one of the most challenging quarters B2B tech has seen in a while), ABM leaders are finding themselves needing to pivot quickly. For many seasoned marketers, this is not a big deal: Marketing in the trenches alongside our sales counterparts has given us a unique perspective on what it means to move fast toward market signals and drive better pipeline performance.

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