COVID-19 Update

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Mind The Gap: 5 Ways To Avoid A Lead Handoff Disaster

Sales and marketing alignment remains a hot topic. For many B2B CEOs, it will likely rank among their top concerns for the year. An Aberdeen Group study noted that highly aligned organizations achieved an average of 32% year-over-year revenue growth, while their less aligned competitors saw a 7% decrease in…

It’s A Three-legged Race For Sales And Marketing Alignment

By Suresh Balasubramanian, LiveHive Without synchronization between sales and marketing, the business suffers. According to Aberdeen Group, the lack of integration of sales intelligence with sales and marketing systems causes the biggest gap between top sales performers and under-achievers. However, fewer than one out of 10 B2B companies report good…

Context is the Answer to Content Overload

By Brian Cleary, bigtincan  IDC estimates that the digital universe is doubling every two years. By 2020, the data we create and copy annually will reach 44 zettabytes (that’s 44 trillion gigabytes). While there’s a wealth of valuable content in every organization, finding specific content at the exact moment it…

Lead Nurturing Is Finally Getting Its Due

By Dan McDade, PointClear, LLC   One of three predictions I made for 2015 was that nurturing would be the marketing word of the year. Lead nurturing is so powerful you can triple the return on most marketing investments simply by continuing to work certain non-lead outcomes.

Why Do Some Marketers Fail At Sales Enablement?

By Brendan Cournoyer, Brainshark   When people talk about sales enablement, the word "content" tends to come up a lot. There’s a reason, of course. Sales enablement is all about putting salespeople in the best position to have more successful conversations with buyers, and reps rely on great content to…

Connecting With Customers Is No Longer Just For B2C Marketers

By Paul Mandeville, QuickPivot Despite access to powerful marketing technology, B2B marketers continue to hamstring themselves when it comes to connecting with their customers — particularly in comparison to their B2C counterparts. While B2C companies and products maintain vibrant digital communities — fueled by content and conversations — B2B products…
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