COVID-19 Update

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This section provides insights from some of the most prominent industry thought leaders in the space.

Unlocking the Virtual Door: Sales in Today’s Online World

By Richard Dym, CMO, Gagein Once upon a time, a salesperson would knock on a door, shake some hands, and look his prospect right in the eye. Sales were all about building real, lasting relationships. Today, relationships matter more than ever. Friends do still buy from friends, but they do…

The Most Underutilized Asset in Most Brand's Social Media Programs

By Peter Friedman, CEO, LiveWorld When big brands successfully launch themselves in social media and begin the shift toward being more customer-centric, they almost immediately find themselves facing two daunting challenges. First, if the relationships developed through social are going to be meaningful, marketing needs to be able to collaborate…

Top Three Criteria to Shorten the Sales Cycle in an Online World

By Ramon Nuñez, Founder & CEO, LiveHive, Inc. No matter what you’re selling in today’s online, connected world, if you haven’t adjusted your selling approach, you risk not only longer sales cycles but also missed opportunities. With instant access to information about products and services, the ability to quickly and…

Why Great Content Isn’t Enough to Generate Leads

By Hana Abaza, Director of Marketing, Uberflip Good, relevant content will attract visitors. Great content will keep them around a little longer. But only a truly optimized content marketing experience will ultimately convert those visitors into leads, and eventually customers.

Where Does Your Company Fall On The Social Selling Maturity Model?

By Michael Idinopulos, CMO, PeopleLinx Social selling is a journey, and most enterprises are just getting started. Multiple studies have found that sales professionals who use LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks to sell consistently outperform their peers who don’t. For example, Aberdeen Group has found that 46% of social…

Data Fluidity: Marketing’s New Best Friend

By David Crane, Marketing Technology Strategist, Integrate Marketers are showing signs of embracing data-driven strategies to identify prospects, deliver a better customer experience and improve overall marketing results. However, in my conversations with CMOs and Marketing Ops pros, most organizations struggle to unlock data’s true value. Data quality directly influences…

The Do’s and Don’ts of Content Marketing

By Sean Crowley, Director of Marketing, NetProspex Chances are you’re using content marketing to supplement your other marketing strategies. After all, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about three times as many leads, according to an infographic from Demand Metric. Pretty impressive, I know. But are…
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