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Big Data Requires Marketers To Embrace The "Science And Art" Approach

The impact of Big Data on business practices such as marketing are profound, and will continue to be more impactful as the insights derived from Big Data become more targeted and refined. Defined by Gartner as “high-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced…

The Importance Of Integrating Data With CRMs

It is a known fact that integrated sales and email marketing data leaves companies better equipped to provide a superior customer experience, but it continues to be a difficult process for many marketers. According to research from Ascend2, only 25% of companies have extensively integrated disparate marketing technology systems. The…

How To Be Successful In Marketing Without Selling A Thing

If you want to be successful at content marketing, here’s my advice: Ignore everything you’ve been taught about marketing.  Seriously, it’s time to rethink things because the old tactics don’t work in today’s online environment. Frankly, the average consumer is fed up with marketing and doesn’t respond to it anymore.

11 Tips For Developing A Compelling Interactive Video

We are a visual people. While a cliché, the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” rings true largely because of the way we consume information. An avalanche of statistics can be offered to suggest the importance of a visual component to content and how it encourages prospects to…

Account-Based Marketing: Four Tips For Developing A Strategic Approach

Account-based marketing (ABM) is surging today throughout marketing organizations everywhere, but the concept is not new.  Sales teams have been strategically focused on a handful of high-value targets for decades, primarily in silos, with careful planning utilizing “blue sheets” (Miller Heiman’s tool for analyzing complex selling opportunities) or other proven…
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