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This section provides insights from some of the most prominent industry thought leaders in the space.

Why AI Is A Necessity For Your Marketing Strategy

When artificial intelligence (AI) pioneer Alan Turing said, “A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human,” all he meant was there might come a time when virtual assistants and bots will become close to real-life personal assistants.

What’s In A Name? Why B2B Lead Gen Is Personal

Ask your sales team about their pipeline and you’re likely to get an earful about the limited number of leads they get from the marketing department. At the same time, sales people often associate scale with waste, so it’s not surprising that a recent study found that B2B marketers emphasize…

Are You Leaving Money On The Trade Show Floor?

Trade shows are having a dramatic revival, which is great news for marketing and sales. Why this resurgence? One word: Efficiency. Consider how selling has changed over the past two decades. Before today’s high-speed digital age, sales was typically a drawn out process. An inquiry call came in, perhaps as…

What Does External Content Creation Mean For CMOs?

Until recently, marketing departments could keep control over most of their content. Every communication was transmitted via an official spokesperson and every piece of collateral issued was approved by marketing and legal departments. That’s changing. The once solid firewall that marketing built around its content is starting to turn into…

Making ABM Real: 5 Lessons Every Marketer Should Know

The verdict is in: for B2B companies, having an account-based marketing (ABM) program is no longer a question, it’s an essential part of their strategy. In fact, SiriusDecisions recently unveiled a new Demand Unit Waterfall due to the ubiquity of ABM and all the complications that come with it. In…
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