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This section provides insights from some of the most prominent industry thought leaders in the space.

Is ABM A Fad?

At a recent industry event, the above question was posed by marketers and industry observers, who wondered out loud where the account-based marketing train was actually headed. It’s certainly a question worth pondering, especially as the marketing-tech world has become awash with buzz-worthy new technologies promising all manner of sales,…

Cracking The Code On B2B Technology Selling

In the world of B2B technology, it used to be that marketing and sales efforts were primarily targeted at the IT department. But now more than ever, business decision makers are involved. According to Forrester Research, 73% of North American B2B technology spending is business-led or heavily influenced by business…

It’s About Revenue: Marketers Head Directly Into The Sales Funnel

The trend is clear. The role of marketing is changing and expanding to encompass revenue accountability. In the not-so-distant past, the sole goal of many B2B marketers was focused on building awareness, creating desire and generating leads. Once initial interest was generated, sales took over. Sales leads were handed off…
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