COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

This section provides insights from some of the most prominent industry thought leaders in the space.

Evolved Selling: Optimizing Sales Enablement In The Age Of Digitalization 

On the surface, it seems obvious: B2B sales will keep moving into the digital landscape. While the digital realm presents significant opportunities, there’s also more pressure to capitalize on them. As sales teams are unable to "press the flesh" in person, they're more reliant on marketing teams to provide data on prospective customers. B2B leaders…

Balancing Digital & Human For An Awesome Customer Experience

How many times have you found yourself in a company’s voicemail hell? You know, where you’re unable to get past the AI-driven directory and recorded voice messages so you hang up in frustration and vow never to do business with that company again. Don’t worry — you’re not alone.

How AI Can Help Brands Struggling To Create High-Quality Content

Marketers are incredibly stressed right now—there’s a large volume of content that needs to be created for their website, emails and social media channels, to name a few, and all that content needs to be consistent with their brand voice. The content should also be senstive to the larger social context of, to put it nicely, the mess…

How To Sell To Your New C-Suite Buyer

While 2020 presented many changes and challenges to the sales process, one key trend to keep in mind as you dial, build your pipeline and secure meetings isthe increase inC-suite involvement today. You’re not imagining it: Your new target buyer is likely an executive. 
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