COVID-19 Update

5 Trends Shaping Demand Gen Throughout 2021

The series of digital adaptations marketers were forced to take throughout 2020 have bled over to shape 2021 demand gen strategies. As businesses scrambled to find sustainable ways to conduct business as usual in a year that was anything but, the new tactics and practices proved to show potential for the long haul.

Buzzworthy B2B: The Latest News & Trends From March 2021

Welcome back to Demand Gen Report’s blog series: Buzzworthy B2B. We’ve spent the past month watching the latest news and hottest trends in the industry and curated the top research statistics, financial news, personnel changes and more to keep you in the loop! Check out all the latest happenings in the B2B space throughout March 2021 below!

Did They Bring Their Friends? Using AI To Simplify & Streamline Lead Scoring

Over the last year, B2B marketers have relied almost exclusively on digital signals to determine who’s visiting their websites, what the visitor’s level of interest is and their likelihood of acting. With this abundance of signals (often mixed with faulty information), how can companies improve their lead scoring efforts to determine the signals that indicate action?

Turning Customers From Buyers To Ambassadors

It appears that the customer experience is becoming a two-way street. According to new research, there are increasing numbers of satisfied customers transitioning into brand advocates, influencers, collaborators and innovators. However, clients can only be tapped into those roles if they’re satisfied with their customer experience and the product they purchased.

Buzzworthy B2B: The Latest News & Trends From February 2021

Welcome to Demand Gen Report’s new blog series: Buzzworthy B2B. We’ve spent the past month watching the latest news and hottest trends in the industry and curated the top research statistics, financial news, personnel changes and more to keep you in the loop! Check out all the latest happenings in the B2B space throughout February 2021 below! Movers & Shakers While February may be the shortest month, there was no…

Buzzworthy B2B: A Roundup Of The Latest News & Trends From January 2021

Welcome to Demand Gen Report’s new blog series: Buzzworthy B2B. We’ve spent the past month watching the latest news and hottest trends in the industry and curated the top research statistics, latest financial news, personnel changes and more to keep you in the loop! Check out all the latest happenings in the B2B space for the month of January 2021 below!

Podcast: Combatting Digital Fatigue With Tactile Marketing

We get it, everyone’s inboxes are flooded with webinar and virtual event invitations. So how do you stand out from competitors in a way that wows audiences and generates the engagement you’d expect from a physical event? Tactile marketing is the key (and we know from personal experience!).  For this year’s B2B Sales & Marketing Exchange online experience, Demand Gen Report partnered with PFL to send attendees swag boxes filled with goodies to…

How Revenue Marketing Impacts The New 'All-Digital' Buyer’s Journey

With the digitalization of B2B, marketers have access to more marketing tools, leads and data to inform their revenue and marketing strategies. Revenue marketers in particular are responsible for converting prospects and leads into customers, and the current B2B landscape has solidified their new role as leaders in the buyer’s journey.

DGR Book Club: Author Laura Patterson Shares Fundamentals Of Customer-Centricity, Inspiration Behind New Book On Growth

What I love most about my job is that I get to talk to a ton of smart, inspiring marketing and sales professionals on a daily basis. Whether they are influencers in the space, speakers, authors — you name it — my days are filled with great conversations. I even started documenting some of these talks in our new CXO Conversations series!

4 Ways To Optimize Your Business Strategy During Covid-19

With the advent of social distancing and work-from-home policies, the B2B industry has experienced an abrupt — but not unforeseen — digital-only reality. As a result, companies need to shift toward maintaining business operations, inspiring buyer confidence by adapting their strategies to stay relevant in their target markets virtually.

DGR Book Club: How Marketers Can Leverage AI To Tell A Story

COVID-19 has changed the game for everyone in martech. In the age of social distancing, a crucial component of reeling in customers – the in-person event – has been suspended indefinitely. Now more than ever, it is important to reach consumers and prospects over digital channels, whether it be email, digital ads, webinars and more. So, it’s on the B2B marketer to create copy that resonates and incites consumers to…
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