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Newsjacking: What Great Content Marketers and Donald Trump Have in Common

(This article previously appeared on the Content4Demand blog.) Technology has accelerated and shaken up the traditional news cycle. People from around the world weigh in on current events through Twitter. Breaking news is mined from Instagram posts, tweets and Snapchat videos. Cultural sensations are discovered on YouTube. Hence the power of “newsjacking,” which author David Meerman Scott defines as “the art and science of injecting your ideas into a breaking news story, so you…

Are B2B Marketers Drowning In Data?

As a journalist, I’ve covered the evolution of marketing and advertising for 15+ years, with a focus on direct and digital marketing. Direct marketers in particular have been powerful advocates of predictive analytics and data mining for one-to-one customer success for more than a decade, yet it is only recently that B2B marketers have begun to adopt predictive analytics and powerful customer engagement tools.

What Marketers Can Learn From Software Developers

Marketers face an ever-expanding array of available technology and a need to harness it to improve their work. As a result, they are beginning to borrow from the software developer playbook, according to Scott Brinker, editor of and founder and CTO of ion interactive, in his keynote remarks at MarTech in San Francisco.

My Fellow Marketers: Three B2B Marketing Lessons From The Presidential Primaries

Photo Credit: Joseph Sohm / You don’t have to be following the 2016 Presidential Primaries in the U.S. to know that things are getting rather heated for both parties. Oftentimes candidates resort to screaming over one another to get their point across to their target audience. While the debate might become inaudible sometimes, there has been clear evidence that some candidates have put a lot of time and effort into researching their prospective voters.

It’s Time to Break Down the Gate

Editor’s note: As part of a special arrangement, the article below has been syndicated from the Content4Demand blog. G3 Communications has been publishing Demand Gen Report for more than eight years, and from the first day there has always been debate about whether or not marketers should require buyers to fill out a form in order to access content. This discussion was raised again during David Meerman Scott’s keynote presentation at last month’s Content2Conversion Conference in Arizona. To…

Time To Test And Measure In B2B Marketing

Experimentation isn’t a word often associated with B2B marketing. In fact, the conventional marketing plans for most B2B brands have typically been built around core industry events, sprinkled with webinars and maybe a few white papers centered on new solutions.

More Twitter To Love Or Hate?

Twitter is considering upping its character limit from 140 to 10,000, a move that has sparked a heated debate. Some think it will ruin the social media platform, while others think the change is long overdue.

Experts Share Their View On The Current Meaning Of “Modern Marketing”

As I made my plans for Oracle’s Modern Marketing Experience event in Las Vegas this week, it dawned on me that it has been about five years since Eloqua started using the term to describe the transformation of marketing practices in the digital era. Over the years, other companies have picked up on the adjective to capture the transformation marketing teams have had to make to keep up with today’s…
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