COVID-19 Update

3 Tips To Refine Your Database Strategy In 2018 And Beyond

You often hear the phrase “Content is King” in the B2B marketplace, but everyone knows that content — and almost every other aspect of engaging with prospective customers — is fueled by the data and insights you have in your database. We recently conducted our 2nd annual Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Survey and learned that a desire for more advanced marketing and sales tactics is driving the ongoing need…

B2B Innovator Spotlight: Susan Wall, Oracle + Bronto

How do you spearhead the implementation of a shared revenue model and align sales and marketing during an acquisition (or two)? Just ask Susan Wall, VP of Marketing for Oracle + Bronto, who pulled it off when Bronto was first acquired by NetSuite and then when NetSuite was acquired by Oracle.

What’s Holding Back B2B Earned Media Efforts?

B2B marketers are looking for new ways to drive demand, increase brand awareness and bring more prospective customers into the pipeline. Paid, earned and owned media channel strategies have been practiced for some time, but earned media is growing more and more appealing as the price of paid efforts increases.

The Content Countdown: Factors & Formats That Decide Whether Content Will Be A Hit On The Conversion Charts

Many of you remember cassettes, compact discs and maybe even 8-tracks when you think back to the different music formats you’ve listened to over the years. Well, just as music formats have changed with the times, so have content formats. In one of this week’s Strategy & Planning Series sessions, our sister division Content4Demand is presenting a webcast on Content Marketing Hit-Makers: Audience-Centric Formats You Need to Add to Your…

B2B Innovator Spotlight: Güçlü Ozsayin, Samsung Electronics France

As Head of CRM & Digital — B2B at Samsung Electronics France, Güçlü Ozsayin built and executed a digital demand generation strategy and continuously collaborates with key stakeholders, and content and technology providers to oversee the implementation of automated lead generation and nurturing campaigns that align with business goals.

Exclusive Q&A: Marketing In The Age Of AI

Marketers, brace yourselves: machines are coming to take over your jobs. But fear not! A new book from authors Nancy A. Shenker and Jim D’Arcangelo — titled: Embrace The Machine: 111 Ways AI Will Change Your Marketing Job — aims to prepare modern marketers to accept AI, learn about it and embrace the change so both humans and machines can coexist in business.

Measurement And Revenue Optimization Has Officially Arrived, As Dedicated Gathering Launches In San Fran

Next week, I’ll be heading to one of the first conferences for B2B marketers to focus exclusively on measurement and revenue optimization. Circulate 2017, taking place Sept. 14-15at the W San Francisco, will bring together thought leaders and practitioners from different roles — all with the common interest in measuring and optimizing marketing and sales performance.

How OpenText's Buyer-Focused Campaign Saw Surprising Results While Resonating With Their Audience

As marketers push on in their strive for buyer centricity in their campaigns and messaging, a lot of tweaking and fine tuning comes into play. And while buyers' paths to purchase certainly aren't linear, today's technology allows marketers to gain vast insight on target audiences. But even with all that insight, there is always a possibility that something just works and catches everyone by surprise.

B2B Marketers Rethinking Lead Nurture Strategies As Acceleration Programs Stall

Given the long sales cycles most B2B organizations have, lead nurturing is typically a critical part of marketing strategies. However, a sneak peek at the preliminary results from our annual Lead Nurturing & Acceleration Benchmark Survey reveal that B2B marketers are struggling with the results of their campaigns to maintain or advance the initial interest of prospects.

Why Is It So Hard To Create Personal Content?

I ask myself the above question far too often — and I go through A LOT of content while researching new story topics or potential news to share with all our loyal subscribers. Nothing upsets me more than coming across a “5 Innovative Ways To Boost Your Demand Gen Efforts” type E-book, in which these five “innovative” ways are blatantly specific features within the author’s main product offering.

Triblio’s Andre Yee Makes A Case For ABM At #Bii17

I’m sure you’ve heard about a little marketing strategy called account-based marketing (ABM). You may even be sick of the term. Whatever your thoughts are, it’s hard to deny the benefits of taking an account-first approach. B2B companies far and wide have benefitted from ABM — (enter shameless plug for our sister publication ABM In Action, #sorrynotsorry) — but why should others consider it?

Reviews Are In: Sneak Peek Into How B2B Brands Are Tackling The Growing Influence Of Peers

B2B buyers are more reliant on peer reviews and ratings to validate and find new solutions. According the 2017 B2B Buyers Survey Report, 94% of B2B buyers reported that reviews from industry peers were important in making a purchasing decision. Input from other users gives prospective buyers transparent insights into aspects such as ease of use, ROI and deployment time. It should come as little surprise that 42% percent of…
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