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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Unlock The Value Of Your SFA/CRM System

Sales force automation (SFA) and CRM systems have various uses that can boost the company’s overall effectiveness. However, it has been difficult for corporate leaders to make important and quick decisions that positively affect the business.

Special Report: Trends In SEO and Inbound Marketing

Attracted to the lower cost-per-lead, greater lead volumes and other benefits, marketers are allocating larger portions of their marketing budgets to inbound marketing. The share of the marketing budget designated to inbound marketing tactics already exceeds 50% and is projected to rise to 65% in North America by 2015, according to SiriusDecisions.

Demand Gen Report’s 2014 Content Preferences Survey

In Demand Gen Report’s 2014 Content Preferences Survey, B2B buyers revealed that they rely are placing a greater emphasis on visual content throughout the purchasing lifecycle. They are also accessing content much more frequently from smartphones and tablets. These trends have led to an even higher buyer reliance on content than ever before to assist in research and purchasing decisions.

Strategies For Content Promotion [Infographic]

Just as important as creating a unique and valuable piece of content for your audience, is promoting that content so your audience actually sees it. This infographic from Boot Camp Digital, a social media training company, provides tips for getting the most bang from each piece of content.

[Infographic] Getting Started With Influencer Marketing

    Influencer marketing has generated a lot of buzz among B2B marketers lately, but many don’t know where to start. This infographic from Marketo outlines where to find relevant experts, how to target influencers based on the three Rs (reach, relevance, and resonance), how to partner with an influencer…

[Infographic] A View Of The B2B Social Media Landscape

    LinkedIn generates the most revenue; the top three platforms for brand awareness are Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook; and 75% of content is posted by the marketing team. Those are some key findings from B2B Marketing's 2014 Social Media Benchmarking Report. Infographic courtesy of VisualKiwi, a visual content community.

The Marketer's Guide To Prioritizing Leads

Many B2B marketers are already familiar with the value of lead scoring, but implementing a customized lead scoring system that actually works is an arduous task. One of the main reasons for this is that marketers lack the customer data that are truly relevant to their unique business context and the insights to utilize them.

[Infographic] Using Content Marketing Strategies In B2B Emails

  To promote content and have it reach their audiences, B2B marketers use social media (87%) and their own web sites (81%). But how about using email marketing to promote content?, an email marketing platform vendor, put together this infographic with some tips and suggestions.

[Infographic] The Role Of Content In Email Deliverability

  The content of your message is a primary factor in deliverability, specifically inbox placement these days. The number of number of links in your message, the overall content, and the HTML content and formatting can all play a role in where your email ends up, according to this infographic…
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