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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

The Rise Of The Content Scientist

An Inside Look At How Leading Marketers Are Using Data & Analytics To Deliver The Right Message At The Right Time To The Right Audience Marketers today must keep pace with the expectations of prospects and customers who are increasingly engaging with them across multiple channels, such as social and mobile.Marketers also need to be sure the content they serve…

Steps To Building The Ideal Lead Generation Form

Generating quality leads can be a tall order, but often the real work begins after a prospect lands on your website. Getting buyers to share valuable contact information requires carefully constructed lead generation forms, as outlined in this infographic from Formstack. [Click to Expand] Source: Formstack

Does Your Marketing Have A Dark Side? 3 Ways To Avoid The Personalization Hall Of Shame

In today's omnichannel, digitally connected world, shoppers have access to more information and products than ever before. As a result, it has become increasingly challenging for businesses to not only engage customers, but also to win their trust and lifetime business. While planning and building their campaigns, marketers should take into account the lessons learned from the Personalization Hall Of…

The Full-Funnel Effect

With most marketers focusing on filling the top of the sales funnel, they are missing opportunities to help boost conversions later in the cycle. Marketers that are using predictive marketing tools at all levels of the sales cycle can fuel more growth than those who don't look beyond lead generation. This E-book shows why predictive marketing can help marketers master…

6 Tips For Creating Mobile-Friendly Content

As more B2B buyers break free from their desktops when researching purchases, marketers need to make sure their websites are mobile-friendly. This infographic from Vertical Leap, a digital marketing agency, offers six steps to optimizing content for smartphones and tablets. [Click To Expand] Source: Vertical Leap

2015 Lead Nurturing Benchmark Study: Aligning Nurture Programs To The Buyer’s Journey

Lead nurturing, an important piston in the demand generation engine, is growing in sophistication and moving beyond simple campaigns that blast the same email to the entire database. Marketers are seeking to improve their use of data to target their lead nurturing campaigns to prospects in various stages of the buying cycle and predict who will be more likely to…

15 Mobile Stats For B2B Marketers

Mirroring their behavior as consumers, B2B buyers are turning to their smartphones and tablets more frequently for research. OpenView Venture Partners, a B2B software venture capital firm, compiled this infographic with information about how mobile use is impacting the B2B marketing landscape. [Click To Expand] Source: OpenView Venture Partners

The Ultimate Guide To Social Analytics

With social media spending expected to jump more than 20% over the next 5 years, marketers are going to face a great deal of pressure to prove that this increased investment provides a solid return. Yet, in a recent study, more than half of marketers say they can't demonstrate their return on social spending at today's lower rate. But with…

The 2015 Data Hygiene & Enrichment Report: Why High-Quality Data Is Critical To Demand Gen Success

The constant influx of inaccurate, and incomplete data can prevent many marketers from taking full advantage of their database for demand generation strategies and tactics. Savvy companies, including RingCentral and Brooks Automation, are searching for new ways to keep their database as clean as possible to maximize their marketing initiatives, while also enriching their database with additional insights. Research from…

Five Reasons Your Prospects Say No

Just because a prospect expresses interest does not mean it will be a quick or easy sale. This infographic from ZoomInfo highlights some of the common reasons why sales reps are rejected and strategies to overcome these hurdles. [Click To Expand] Source: ZoomInfo

Why Accurate, Reliable Customer Data Is A Marketing Imperative

Wouldn't you love to know what top marketers from companies such as Citibank, Kimberly-Clark and Dell see as the challenges and opportunities they face with data quality? Learn what nine marketing VIPs have to say about what works and what doesn't for effective data management. In this white paper, you'll gain first-hand insights from a conversation among these marketing leaders,…
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