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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

The ROI Of Targeted Prospecting

Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT Who’s your buyer? As more companies look to improve their flow of qualified leads, carefully defining segmentation and buyer personas have become a critical requirement for sales and marketing teams. Join us for an informative webinar presenting best practices research as well as real-world case studies showing how companies…

KnowledgeVision - Interactive Video Lead Gen Tool

Solution Snapshot: KnowledgeVision is a tool for rapidly creating interactive online video experiences from the assets and talent you already have at hand. KnowledgeVision synchronizes video, audio, PowerPoint, graphic images, animations, just-in-time footnotes, and virtual handouts into an online presentation format that’s unparalleled in its power and flexibility.

Guide To Marketing Automation Solutions

UPDATED: Sept 2011 The Guide to Marketing Automation Solutions is a complimentary, ungated resource that profiles more than a dozen of the leading marketing automation vendors. Updated in September 2011, the Guide highlights customer counts, growth metrics, functionalities and market accolades. Click here to download the complimentary report

Increase Sales Via Virtual Events: 3 Steps To Maximize Virtual Sales Magic

By Michael Doyle, Executive Director, Virtual Edge Institute According to the 2010 BtoB and IBM Studio Study, State of Virtual Events, 60% of marketers plan to increase their use of virtual events in 2011. As more marketers turn to virtual as a way to identify and qualify sales leads, sales…

7 Ways Sales Professionals Drive Revenue With Social Selling

QUICK TIPS: This E-book also features 7 easy-to-share tips from Koka Sexton, one of the top thought leaders in the selling space and a new member of the LinkedIn Sales Solution marketing team. Much of the face- to-face networking that traditionally took place at events is now happening online, and introductions are happening via social connections. This new E-book from…

Lead Generation Quick Start Series

Register Now for Our Lead Generation Quick-Start Series! Reserve Your Spot Now! Selling Lead Gen Internally | April 12 at 1pm ET Learn the foundational arguments around the need for, and value of, investing in generating leads. This session with Mike Gospe, Principal at KickStart Alliance, will address the spike in leads generated on the Web, changes in buyer behavior…

The New Formula for Generating High Quality Leads in 2011

Marketers Shifting Focus to Web-Based Formats for Higher Conversions Marketers are refining the media mix, selecting the most cost-effective forms of engagement to capture and nurture leads to meet new revenue demands. Download this E-book to learn how content-rich webinars, optimized web site landing pages, video, social media and other methods are proving to be cost efficient and valuable for…

Ensuring That Your White Papers Appeal to Busy Executive Readers

Six White Paper Features for Reaching the Busy Executive Reader How often do you download a white paper or ebook, impressed by its apparent focus on a pain point that you feel, skim it, then never open it again? As a white paper marketer, you work hard to avoid such disengaged behavior among your audiences. Besides having quality content, your…

The State of Marketing Automation

As we head into 2011 the marketing automation category is poised to further illuminate the shared responsibility for the pipeline. In this special report, DemandGen Report provides an in-depth look at the key trends influencing BtoB marketing in addition to an overview of the leading marketing automation suppliers.

Referral Marketing Refreshes Traditional Lead Gen Methods

Lead management experts are aligning behind the idea that 2010 was a transformational year during which traditional sales methods began withering with the onset of a new vendor selection process driven by automation, cloud applications and social media. This effect has been chronicled and acknowledged by the BtoB media, and is reverberating through corporate ranks. Download Now.

Assessing the Impact of Dirty Data on Sales & Marketing Performance

Data hygiene issues have been the dirty little secret for organizations for years. However, once companies take the time to refresh their contact database, they payoffs are significant. To learn just how much dirty data is costing your organization, we encourage you to download a new E-book featuring exclusive new research which quantifies bad data's impact on sales & marketing…
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