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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Infographic: The Role Of Big Data In Marketing

Big Data is having a big impact on marketing, but only one third of executives are familiar with the term, according to this infographic from Demand Metric, a marketing consultancy. The infographic outlines the opportunities and challenges of Big Data for marketers.

Infographic: 9 Content Marketing Metrics To Track

When calculating the effectiveness of a content marketing campaign, it can be a challenge to determine which metrics are the most meaningful. This infographic from digital publishing firm 3D Issue breaks down the top measurements to monitor.

Infographic: SEO Gives Your Event Lasting Value

Adding SEO to your promotional strategy can give your one-time event greater longevity and a lasting return. This infographic from BKV, a digital marketer firm, outlines the steps to maximizing your on-line or off-line event.

Convert More Visitors to Customers: Enterprise-Class Secrets to High Impact Targeting

Best-in-class companies know the secret to converting high value visitors:  You need to engage them at the moment they are most likely to convert, while they are still on your site. Enterprise companies are re-inventing engagement strategies by moving away from treating website visitors with a “one size fits all” approach.   These companies are identifying high impact visitors the moment they…

2013 Webinar Benchmark Report

Webinars remain the go-to solution for marketing, training and corporate communication, and the global economic downturn continues to drive use of this versatile and cost-communication effective tool. The latest edition of the ON24 Webinar Benchmark Report outlines some of the key yardsticks when it comes to promotion, registration, attendance and post-webinar activities.

Infographic: Six Tips For Contagious Content

This infographic from WhoIsHostingThis?, a web hosting company, touches on the psychology behind what drives folks to share content and examines elements necessary to take content to the maximum level of shareability. It goes on to explain that the more emotion content evokes, the likelihood of going viral increases.

Five Steps To Connect Across All Screens

This webinar will feature Gary Schwartz, President, Founder and CEO of Impact Mobile as he discusses the growing importance of mobile —sharing stats and talking about his experience with mobile marketing. We will also hear real world examples of how B2B marketers can take advantage of this trend and utilize tools to test campaigns and optimize delivery.

Infographic: Designing Email For Mobile Viewing

The increasing use of smartphones is giving a boost to the effectiveness of email marketing. This infographic from KISSmetrics offers some tips for optimizing your emails for mobile viewing.

Infographic: Why Responsive Email Design Matters

With nearly half of all email being opened on mobile devices, marketers have to ensure that their messages are displayed correctly when buyers access them on the go. This infographic from Litmus, an email testing and analytics firm, provides a how-to guide for responsive email design.

Are You Experienced? Insights On Hot Topics At EE13

Eloqua Experience 2013 is only weeks away and we’d like to invite you to a special online event previewing some of the hottest topics that will be addressed at this year’s event. Join us for a uniquely formatted pre-Eloqua Experience session featuring 6 ways to share and 6 ways to learn.
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