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2019 Database Strategies & Contact Acquisition Survey Report

Improvements In Data Initiatives Continue As B2B Orgs Strive To Meet Buyer Expectations, Privacy Regulations Effective database management and contact acquisition practices are the lifeblood of effective marketing and sales efforts. As buyers grow to expect more meaningful, relevant engagement and information during the buying process, companies must position themselves with the right insights to meet those expectations. Last year's…

2018 ABM Benchmark Survey Report

Account-based marketing continues to generate buzz, but B2B organizations are quickly looking to move beyond the initial hype around the category and are pressing to show ROI from their targeted programs. Demand Gen Report's third annual ABM Benchmark Survey revealed most organizations are still in the early stages of ABM — they are starting to see some early growing pains…

The Tactical Guide To B2B Personalization

Best Practices & Processes For Bringing Personalization Into Marketing, Sales Conversations B2B buyers' tolerance for generic messaging is growing thin. They are increasingly expecting and demanding relevance at all stages of the buying cycle. Therefore, the old mass marketing playbook is quickly becoming obsolete, meaning B2B marketing and sales teams must flip the script to provide targeted, contextual customer experiences…

The 2018 State Of Video Marketing

2017 may have been dubbed the "year of video marketing," but video has yet to reach its full potential. In 2018 and beyond, B2B marketers are and will be taking greater steps to deliver authentic and just downright cool video content that engages buyers on a human level. This special report will dive into new trends in video and share…

The 2018 State Of Database Quality

B2B Organizations Look To Improve Database Efforts With Real-Time, Audience-Focused Solutions B2B buyers expect relevant, contextual and timely experiences during the purchase process that are only obtainable with the right data at the vendor's disposal. However, B2B companies continue to look for ways to overcome the hurdles their database creates when trying to personalize the buying experience and build audience-focused…

2018 B2B Buyers Survey Report: Sales Representatives Play Greater Role Within Critical 1-3 Month Active Buyer Timeframe

B2B buyer preferences have heavily evolved over the years since Demand Gen Report began conducting its annual B2B Buyers Survey in 2012. From the get-go, buyers have gone through long-term research processes, added more internal team members to the decision-making journey and relied on content and social media to make purchase decisions. While these criteria still hold true today, buyer…