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The Cost Of Waiting: 6 Reasons To Implement Multi-Touch Attribution Right Now

Marketers face real challenges and real costs when they don't use an effective marketing measurement solution. Learn how to avoid the status quo and save on costs with multi-touch attribution today. This E-book makes a solid case for multi-touch attribution and the costs of waiting to implement it. Learn the six challenges marketers face with reporting and how multi-touch attribution…

Marketing Data Management 101

How To Cleanse, Build, And Refine Your MarTech Database You are a data-driven marketer. Your company has invested in advanced Marketing Technologies (MarTech) such as Marketing Automation Platforms (MAP), predictive lead scoring, account based marketing and content personalization. Unfortunately, you notice that none of these MarTech solutions work very well with your poor quality data. To realize the return on…

The New Era Of Demand Generation In 2017

How Leading B2B Organizations Are Modernizing Their Engagement Strategies In Reponse To Shifting Behaviors Faced with the growing reality that B2B buying behaviors have been forever changed by always-on access to information across a variety of channels and larger buying teams, many progressive organizations are evolving their strategic approach to demand generation. Download this E-book to gain an in-depth look…

Best Practices For Marketing Database Cleanse

If you're a marketer who's constantly challenged with improving your data quality, you're not alone. Even the most successful, data-driven marketers have identified this as a top challenge to achieving goals. But a recent study conducted by Ascend2 and ZoomInfo showed that 79% of "very successful" data-driven marketers partner with B2B Contact Data Vendors to manage their customer and prospect…

Bringing B2B Data Into the Age of Intelligence

Quality data is the foundation of effective marketing. But while B2B marketers that data is their most valuable asset, the gaps in the quality and actionability of B2B data are holding them back. This report explores a new concept for B2B data and software - Customer Network Effects - which can help marketers obtain an exceptional data resource, including: Why…

How to Maximize Campaign Conversions with Predictive Lead Scoring

Want our toolkit to enhancing your lead scoring initiatives with predictive? This E-book highlights a variety of use cases that prove the benefits of predictive, including how to: Understand your ideal market/target customers; Enhance your account selection strategy; and Increase customer lifetime value. Download this E-book to get a practitioner's guide to predictive marketing! Complete the form below to download:

Finding "True North" On Your Marketing Compass

A Practical Guide To Using Customer Cost And Lifetime Value Metrics Are you having a difficult time figuring out what hot new measurement tactics are worth your time? This E-book can help you find the "true north" in your marketing measurement efforts. Download it today to learn how customer lifetime value (CLV) and cost per acquisition (CAC) can serve as…