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DGR TV is a periodic video podcast that covers the marketing automation and demand generation industries, and offers insights from leading executives on emerging strategies, innovative products and services, and recent news relevant to marketing and sales professionals. Subscribe to the feed to stay in touch!

Content "Moments Of Truth" For Sales Enablement

Q&A with Tim Riesterer, Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer, Corporate Visions Today's sales conversations hinge on "messaging moments of truth," according to Riesterer, in this exclusive DGR Q&A. While there's a great deal of content created by marketing for the…

Justin Gray, CEO, LeadMD - Content

To effectively speak to buyer needs and pain points, marketers are integrating content messaging into their overall campaign strategies. Gray highlights the need for organizations to effectively demonstrate thought leadership to speak to buyer pain points and objectives. Additionally, Gray…

Justin Gray, CEO, LeadMD - Process

“People, process, technology”— a key organizational mantra for new technology rollouts — is especially critical for marketing automation. Gray highlights the need for organizations to embrace all three components to effectively develop a “buyer persona” and understand how to speak…
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