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DGR TV is a periodic video podcast that covers the marketing automation and demand generation industries, and offers insights from leading executives on emerging strategies, innovative products and services, and recent news relevant to marketing and sales professionals. Subscribe to the feed to stay in touch!

Role Reversal In Sales & Marketing

Tune into this video discussion with Carlos Hidalgo, CEO of The Annuitas Group, which addresses how sales teams are expanding their role at the top of the funnel at the same time marketers are becoming more revenue-minded. Other topics covered…

QuickStart Webinar Series - The Inside Scoop

DemandGen Report Managing Editor Amanda Batista shares more about the turnkey webinar workshop series presented by HubSpot and DemandGen Report. Click here to view the workshop agenda and register for the next series presentation, "Lead Gen A to Z" with…

Jim Dickie, CSO Insights Speaks at Cloud 9 Analytics Revenue Velocity Forum

As revenue performance management continues to gain traction in the automation space, Cloud9 Analytics introduced the Revenue Velocity Forum, an educational event focused on providing revenue-driven strategies. Watch CSO Insights Managing Partner Jim Dickie talk sales empowerment and 2.0 tactics…
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