COVID-19 Update

Rich Media

This section highlights the tools and tactics that marketers are employing, such as webinars and online video, due to the urgency to create interactive, engaging experiences across all prospect and customer interactions. 

Skills Of The Modern Marketer


Today's B2B marketing landscape is in a constant state of fluidity, and companies need to make sure they have the right marketers on their team to boost results. This infographic from Econsultancy highlights key skills modern marketers need to have in order to stay efficient and productive in the workplace.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3548

#C2C15 Recap: What You Missed


Scottsdale, AZ was the ultimate destination for content marketing and demand generation insights, best practices and case studies during this year’s B2B Content2Conversion Conference, hosted by Demand Gen Report.

During the three-day event, more than 400 B2B marketing professionals converged at the Hyatt Regency Resort at Gainey Ranch to learn how they can bring their campaigns to the next level by embracing new tactics and solutions.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 2161

The Evolving B2B Buying Process


B2B buyers are embracing online options to research and purchase products, B2B suppliers need to evolve and must seek out new opportunities to engage their high-tech targets. MDG Advertising analyzed a 2014 B2B procurement study by Acquity Group and compiled its findings into this infographic.


  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3794

How Technology Is Shaping The Future Of Marketing


 B2B buying can be attributed to many factors, but the growth and evolution of technology is a notably large influence in the way B2B buyers have adapted the way they research buying decisions. This infographic from the New Jersey Institute Of Technology highlights key stats and figures showing how the growth of technology has made an impact on the future of digital marketing — from social media and mobile to Big Data.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 5876

Superheros of Inbound Marketing


Inbound marketing cost 62% less than traditional methods of marketing, but it requires contributions from a number of “superheros,” including SEM, PR and blogging. This infographic from HubSpot and Bigshot Inbound outlines how these efforts drive all level of the sales funnel.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 1603

Video Plays Starring Role In Demand Generation



Many B2B marketers are increasingly relying on visual content — particularly video — to reach potential buyers and generate leads. This infographic, courtesy of KnowledgeVision, outlines how marketers are using video to keep their sales funnel full of hot leads.

  • Written by Mike Santos
  • Category: Rich Media
  • Hits: 3370