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Demanding Views

Small Data Vs. Big Data — What's Better In Marketing?

ZR Headshotby Zorian Rotenberg,VP of Marketing, InsightSquared

“Big Data” is the latest example of how a shiny new concept can become the toast of the town. Big Data has been heralded by many as the new competitive advantage for smart companies. Like many buzz-generating concepts that seem to pop up overnight, Big Data is commonly misunderstood and interpretation varies from marketer to marketer.

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 6122

What Is A Lead, Anyway?

toddprofileBy Todd Davison, CEO, Demand Frontier

One of the many things I’ve enjoyed over the past 10 years in our industry is the ever-evolving definition of marketing. We’ve gone through concepts such as lead generation, demand generation, revenue performance and content marketing so fast it’s hard to know what to call yourself.

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 2544

The Core Business Case Behind Marketing Automation

Jon Miller MarketoBy Jon Miller, VP of Marketing Content and Strategy, Marketo

B2B marketing has become much more complex over the past decade. In addition to direct mail and events, new channels range from email, web sites and search engine marketing to landing pages, blogs, and podcasts. Many of these require sophisticated testing, analytics and targeting to be executed well.

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4324

Delivering On The Promise Of Sales Enablement

By Craig Nelson, Founder and Principal, Sales Enablement Group

Nelson Photo for Linked inOver the years I’ve had an opportunity to work with companies that felt that sales enablement (SE) was at the core of advancing deals, ramping new reps, launching new products and, in the end, growing their sales channels to drive profitable revenue. I’ve been fortunate to have been part of more than 100 sales enablement deployments and can say first hand that when done right, SE quickly becomes a true asset to the organization with both short and long term payback. We’ll get to the payback later.