COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

Is The CMO The Problem?

Adam Needles ANNUITASBy Adam Needles, Chief Strategy Officer, ANNUITAS

A recent CEB Marketing Leadership Council study noted, "[W]e see B2B companies looking to apply process rigor, automation and performance measurement tools across the full demand side of their businesses, just as they did to the supply side of their business in the past …"

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 7485

Boost Your Content Marketing Engine with Curation

Michael CurataBy Michael Gerard, CMO, Curata

 Marketing’s desire to increase the quantity and quality of sales-ready leads has never been stronger than it is right now. However, the days of relying solely upon outbound marketing (e.g., traditional advertising channels, cold calls, snail mail) are long gone.

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 33388

Valuation Strategies: Avoiding the Awkward Proposal

Terry Arnold Harte-HanksBy Terry Arnold, VP, Contact Center Solutions, Harte-Hanks

Demand generation is not without its challenges. A difficult economy has led to an elongated B2B sales cycle. Buying processes have slowed, producing more no-decisions from buyers. Both sales and marketing leaders are working collaboratively to speed up slow-moving deals and get stalled ones moving again. Essentially everyone is looking to do the same things: energize the sales pipeline to get deals moving faster.

  • Written by Kim Zimmermann
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3644