COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

10 Ways to Improve Your Conversion Rate

Ok, you got your prospect to raise his hand. Now comes the hard part: turning him into a customer. Here are 10 ways to address the challenge in the age of accountability.

  • Written by Jay Bower, President of Crossbow Group
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 6651

Tap Into Inbound Inquiries To Insure Relevance Of Outbound Campaigns

We all know that things have changed -- buyers, not companies, are in charge and marketers are on the hook to play to customers' terms. And the terms that customers dictate require marketers to be prepared for being helpful with inbound inquiries to satisfy and persuade their prospects. That requires not only things like online search engine marketing to be found when customers are looking. It also requires multichannel customer analytics and intelligent systems to present the next best (i.e. relevant) offers on the spot while customers are inquiring by phone or still browsing the web site.
  • Written by Akin Arikan, Dir. of Marketing, Unica Corp.
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 6270

M2O: Matching Market & Media To The Right Offer Accelerates The Pipeline

Ah, Saturday. An early game of tennis, some family time, maybe a power nap with the fragrant promise of the choice T-bone you’ve been waiting to grill tempting you onward through the day. Sun starts to sink, you saunter out to pre-heat the gas grill to searing readiness. Turning the knob, you get…nothing. The bolt especially designed to secure the fuel line has vanished.
  • Written by Dan McDade, President, Pointclear
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 6115

7 Tips For Increasing Conversions On Free Trials To Customers

The recent explosion of SaaS (hosted) solutions has brought about a resurgence in software vendors utilizing free trials as a primary means of acquiring new customers. Fortunately for them, these companies can now take full advantage of today’s sophisticated marketing automation technology that enables automatic, personalized, rules-based, follow-up e-mails to all trial registrants.
  • Written by Howard J. Sewell, President of Connect Direct
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4366