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New IAB Email Report Lays Out Good Behavior For Data Management

When it comes to email marketing maybe we all just need to get along. That was the main message conveyed in the Internet Advertising Bureau’s best practice report released last week, which was notable for its emphasis on “trust” and the email “ecosystem.”
  • Written by John Gaffney, Senior Analyst
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3563

3 Myths That Reveal The Hidden Truth About Campaign Measurement

The single, basic truth about world-class campaign management is that it is easy to say, but hard to do. It is hard to do because to do it properly requires following a disciplined, systematic approach that becomes both a guide and a tool for helping a company make better marketing and sales investment decisions in order to optimize its performance.
  • Written by By Mike Gospe, Founder
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 5763

Aberdeen Study Shows Firms Can Increase Satisfaction, Loyalty By Tracking Customer Feedback

Best-in-class companies increased customer satisfaction by 26% and customer retention by 26% in 12 months, as reported by Aberdeen Research in a recent study titled Customer Feedback Management: Mind if I Ask You a Few Questions? To complete this study, Aberdeen surveyed more than 300 organizations in a diverse set of industries between April and June 2008.
  • Written by Debbie Hauss, Contributing Editor
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3518

Leveraging Facebook For Business, 7 Steps For BtoB Marketers

Good business involves getting social with your clients and prospects. While marketing certainly plays an important role in demonstrating the value of your products and services, communicating with people on a personal level helps close deals and increases the likelihood of establishing long-term relationships.
  • Written by Michael Goldberg, Associate Director of Marketing, Datran Media
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 7688