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Demanding Views

11 Steps to Successful Lead Nurturing

lisa cramer leadlife headshot 60wBy Lisa Cramer, President and Co-Founder, LeadLife Solutions

When building a successful nurturing program, it’s more than just sending a series of emails. Successful nurturing really accomplishes a number of things. It provides the ability to develop a relationship (albeit from a distance) between the prospect and your company. It also provides a non-invasive (if done correctly) approach for introducing the prospect to your value proposition. Finally, good email nurturing should drive more qualified leads to sales.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3562

Author Dan McDade Tells “The Truth About Leads,” Shares Insights Into Defining Target Markets


dan mcdadeAfter introducing the somewhat radical idea that sales reps actually need fewer leads, author Dan McDade’s new book “The Truth About Leads,” has generated a lot of buzz among marketing and sales execs. Noting that many organizations still struggle to define and agree a quality lead, McDade points out that the pressure to fill the pipeline often finds marketing teams passing off leads to sales too early.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3713

Making the Case for Marketing Automation and CRM: Data Needs More Than Just a Home

Kristin_Hambelton_NeolaneBy Kristin Hambelton, VP of Marketing, Neolane, Inc.

In a world inundated with communication, information is power. Marketers use information to try to target buyers with the right products and services; sales uses information to address buyers’ needs and desires in an effort to win deals; and customer service uses information to meet and exceed customer expectations. But, the reality is your company probably doesn’t use information as effectively as it could.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4647

Asking The Big Question: How Much Better Would Your Company Perform Without Obsolete Data?

KathySextonNew study: companies acknowledge negative impact of outdated BtoB data

By Kathy Greenler Sexton, Vice President of Marketing, ZoomInfo

Outdated BtoB contact data is pervasive — and, like a runaway train, it’s getting worse by the minute. In the time it takes you to read this, a couple hundred changes will happen in the business landscape that affect contact information (job changes, businesses starting and failing, etc.). Sales and marketing teams are hard pressed to keep pace with the changes. This is one of the findings of a just-published DemandGen Report study.