COVID-19 Update

Demanding Views

Top Three Criteria to Shorten the Sales Cycle in an Online World

By Ramon Nuñez, Founder & CEO, LiveHive, Inc.

RNunezBNo matter what you’re selling in today’s online, connected world, if you haven’t adjusted your selling approach, you risk not only longer sales cycles but also missed opportunities.

With instant access to information about products and services, the ability to quickly and easily compare pricing and to purchase goods anywhere and anytime via the Internet, today’s prospects are more informed than ever before. Dubbed by Forrester as the “Age of the Customer,” this shift of power away from sellers and moving toward customers has forced companies to rethink their selling methodology.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 1955

Why Great Content Isn’t Enough to Generate Leads

By Hana Abaza, Director of Marketing, Uberflip

Abaza Hana UBERFLIPGood, relevant content will attract visitors. Great content will keep them around a little longer. But only a truly optimized content marketing experience will ultimately convert those visitors into leads, and eventually customers.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 16002

Where Does Your Company Fall On The Social Selling Maturity Model?

By Michael Idinopulos, CMO, PeopleLinx

Indanopolus Michael PEOPLELINXSocial selling is a journey, and most enterprises are just getting started.

Multiple studies have found that sales professionals who use LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks to sell consistently outperform their peers who don’t. For example, Aberdeen Group has found that 46% of social sellers make quota, compared to only 38% for reps who don’t practice social selling.

Yet relatively few sales teams are taking advantage of the social selling opportunity.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4267

Data Fluidity: Marketing’s New Best Friend

By David Crane, Marketing Technology Strategist, Integrate

DavidCrane headshotMarketers are showing signs of embracing data-driven strategies to identify prospects, deliver a better customer experience and improve overall marketing results. However, in my conversations with CMOs and Marketing Ops pros, most organizations struggle to unlock data’s true value. Data quality directly influences its effectiveness. Yet, 60% of companies have an overall data health of “unreliable,” and 25% of the average B2B database is inaccurate, according to marketing ops research firm SiriusDecisions. As the adage goes, “garbage in, garbage out,” but some marketers aren’t even able to get the bad data out.


  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 4751